Saturday, July 05, 2008

If the Jeans Fit . . .

Continuing with The Wild Reed series of gay-themed advertisements from around the world, here’s an ad for Levi jeans that I think it’s fair to say is targeted to a gay male audience. Enjoy!

I wonder why the makers of this ad didn’t show the two guys walking off together hand-in-hand? Then again, they had only just met!

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Simple Yet Powerful
One Out of Ten
A Beer Ad with a Difference
Those Europeans are at it Again

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Levi Strauss would be nothing after the Forty Nine rs, if the Castro Clone did not make 501s the gay jeans. Once that phase moved off scene, so did its manufacture. Perhaps the Chinese will get a thrill gay men in the 70s gave 501s -- in no small part to Macy's California, which acquired an entire store on Union Square to feature 501s and Lacoste Izod pullovers.

    In contrast, Coors beer was once the second largest brewer in California, if not No. 1 in gay bars. Bro. Joseph decided he favored the Briggs Initiative, prohibiting GLBT from teaching in CA's public schools. The first and only economic boycott I've witnessed as a total success. Coors tanked, is still a rare find in gay bars, and the CO brewery's hire of Cheney's daughter changed nothing.

    As Pam Spaulding has discovered, being "right" on the issues is being morally and economically right, not politically correct. Miller and Anheuser Busch did not forget the message. Both sell their beers, and advertise in gay publications, and no matter what Coors or Levi Strauss tries to phantom -- some people have memories that wont' forget.
