Sunday, September 27, 2009

September Garden

Writes Cliff Séruntine:

September: Time of the darkening equinox, the balance between sun and shadow. Full of the magic of change – not always a comfortable magic. Its twilight empties the heart of its mortal dream. Yet, September is not a bleak month, but a time of transformation. There is no dream as fair as the host rushing “twixt night and day,” a symbol of the continuance of life in the Otherworld. This is the Celtic spiral of life – death and rebirth. This balance . . . it is the mystery of the time of the Autumnal Equinox.

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Rainy October Afternoon
Spring Garden
A Perfect Day
Mary Jo's Lakeside Garden
Summer Blooms
Summer Blooms II
Helianthus annuus


  1. Michael, you've got a gift for seeing, which the camera records. Keep up the good work!

  2. Beautiful pictures. The beauty of autumn in the northern US is such a blessing. Winter probably comes quickly in Minnesota. It is strange to think that in Australia and the Southern Hemisphere that Spring has arrived. A friend from Sydney e-mailed me pictures of the dust storm there. It was amazing, it looks something from Mars. Sending warmest greeting for a wonderful Sunday. Gods blessings to all here.

  3. Nice photos. I especially liked the steps with leavs.

  4. My favorite garden pictures yet. Well done, Michael!
