Saturday, May 01, 2010

Now Here's a Canny Idea . . .

. . . Let's lighten things up a bit!

And who better to help do that than the wonderful
Magda Szubanski, featured in the clip below from the classic Australian comedy show Fast Forward. She's playing one of a number of characters she created for the show, the perpetually sozzled Mary McGregor, offering one of her “canny tips on how to beat the recession” (all the while hitting on the off-camera “Gordon”). Enjoy!

About Fast Forward Wikipedia notes:

Fast Forward is an Australian commercial television sketch comedy show that ran for 90 episodes from April 12, 1989 to November 26, 1992. It starred several former members of the ABC series The D-Generation such as Magda Szubanski, Marg Downey, Michael Veitch as well as other Melbourne-based comedians such as The Eleventh Hour's Steve Vizard and Peter Moon, and Jane Turner and Gina Riley who are now famous for Kath & Kim. It also marked the first time that Kath & Kim stars Turner, Riley and Szubanski worked together on screen. All episodes were directed by Ted Emery.

Fast Forward was formatted to simulate continuous channel surfing, and after the punchline, each sketch would abruptly switch to a momentary segment of static, followed by another sketch, simulating the effect of the viewer repeatedly switching channels. It featured many spoofs of television programs of the day, politicians and television advertisements.

The series' composite style, which blended direct TV parody with traditional sketch comedy followed several earlier Australian sketch comedy programs such as The Mavis Bramston Show, The Naked Vicar Show, Australia You're Standing In It, and The D-Generation. Fast Forward was succeeded by the series Full Frontal, which starred some of the same cast and marked the TV debut of comedian and actor Eric Bana.

All four seasons plus five 'best of' compilations are now available [in Australia] on DVD. The first two seasons were re-released on March 22, 2010.

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Let’s Hear a Big “Woo” for The Saturday Show
“How Very Dare You!”: A Humorous Look at Internalized Homophobia
Did Ya Hear About Our John?

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