Thursday, May 20, 2010

Update on Tiwonge and Steven

I love Steven so much. If people or the world cannot give me the chance and freedom to continue living with him as my lover, then I am better off to die here in prison. Freedom without him is useless and meaningless.

– Tiwonge Chimbalanga,
as quoted in the CNN story
Malawi Gay Couple Jailed for Indecency, Unnatural Acts"
May 20, 2010

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
A Prayer for International Day Against Homophobia
Liberated to Be Together
Sergius and Bacchus: Martyrs, Saints, Lovers

Recommended Off-site Links:
Gay Couple Sentenced to Maximum 14 Years in Malawi - Raphael Tenthani (
Associated Press, May 20, 2010).
Malawi Gay Couple Get Maximum Sentence of 14 Years - BBC World News (May 20, 2010).
Malawi Court Convicts Gay Couple - BBC World News (May 18, 2010).


  1. They are both in my prayers

  2. Thank you, Micheal, for this post. It is an outrage and my heart aches for these two martyrs! When I see them, I see Christ . . . how can Christians in this context and elsewhere keep silent? Where are the bishops' (both Anglican and Roman) denunciation of this inhuman ruling?

    If we remain silent, we are threatened with loosing our humanity, because silence is the worse kind of acquiescence. It is a humanity that Christ exemplified and eventually was killed for. What is at stake here is life, and our very humanity. It is a choice Christians around the world can no longer ignore: do we live for the politics of this world and the anti-kingdom of capitalism or for life and the utopia of the kingdom to come . . . for Christ demands a choice whether we like it or not (Matt. 25).

    Bob Caruso
