Friday, February 11, 2011

Quote of the Day

. . . Like the few municipal services that still remain in today’s era of Reaganomics, the publicly owned Green Bay Packers are a rare exception to [the] norm. That’s why the story of the team’s organizational structure is suppressed — because it shows the most important question facing our nation isn’t about accepting or rejecting socialism. We’ve already accepted it. Instead, the real question is about what specific type of socialism we want: the current kind that works only for those in the luxury box, or the kind that starts working for the rest of us?

– David Sirota
"The Super Bowl of Socialism"
February 10, 2011

Recommended Off-site Links:
The Most Liberal Super Bowl Ever? Packers Vs. Steelers
– MSNBC (via, February 4, 2011).
The Left Needs More Socialism
– Ronald Aronson (The Nation, April 17, 2006).

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
R.I.P. Neoclassical Economics
Capitalism on Trial
A Socialist Response to the Financial Crisis
Obama a Socialist? Hardly


  1. The truth is the whole NFL is a socialist enterprise for the mega wealthy. The Pack just takes the concept into the hands of the normal Cheeseheads---if there is such a thing as a normal cheesehead

  2. MIchael, I have not read the linked post yet, but will. In the meantime please change the photo. That's Favre, who is really a no go for Packer fans (such as myself) You need Number 12! THANKS

  3. I read the linked post and this guy mis represents how the Packers operate. They are a non-profit, community-owned franchise. They are in no sense a municipal corporation. It is more like corporation that sells stock (which they do). So, no, the Packers are not in any real sense an example of socialism.

    Maybe football posts are not the way to go on the Wild Reed ... :)
