Friday, August 03, 2012

Something to Think About . . .


Related Off-site Links:
Chick-fil-A and Free Speech – Marc J. Randazza (CNN, July 30, 2012).
No, Sarah Palin, Chick-fil-A Boycotts Aren't Suppressing Free Speech – Amanda Marcotte (, August 2, 2012).
Chick-fil-A Protests: Have They Gone Too Far? – Claudine Zap (Yahoo! Finance, August 3, 2012).
LGBT Community Divided Over Controversial Chick-fil-A Kiss-Ins – Lila Shapiro (HuffPost Gay Voices, August 3, 2012).

UPDATE: Chick-fil-A Kiss Day: Gay Rights Activists Hold Kiss-Ins at Restaurants Nationwide – Kim Palmer (Reuters vis HuffPost Gay Voices, Agust 3, 2012).

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Wayne Self on the Chick-fil-A Controversy: "This Isn’t Simply About Marriage"
Doug Mataconis on the Bishops, Religious Freedom, and Living in a Civil Society
Responding to Whiny Catholic Bishops Who Cry Victim

Image: Jason "Danger" Block.


  1. Absolutely! And it particularly applies to those people engaged in self destructive practices who prefer to call themselves "gay" and celebrate "pride" when for most of them, the outward physical condition of their naked bodies is all that they have to display as evidence.

  2. Ray, I'm having a hard time making sense of your comment. Why does the message shared in this post "particularly" apply to the LGBT community and its allies and not, say, to those like yourself who oppose the idea of homosexuality and LGBT rights? Where is your evidence that those who participate in gay pride events are engaging in "self-destructive practices"? When was the last time you actually went to a gay pride event?

    For myself, I take heart that as a society and church we are moving in the direction of being less judgmental and critical of LGBT lives and relationships and more discerning and critical of attitudes and efforts that seek to deny anyone -- including LGBT persons -- dignity, respect and their civil rights.

    Finally, there's one thing I'd like you to clarify: Since you "absolutely" agree with the message of this post, I take it you don't consider criticism of and actions against the anti-gay remarks of the CEO of Chick-fil-A and/or the bishops of the Roman Catholic Church as amounting to efforts to suppress free speech?

    This, after all, is the context within which the message of this post was shared, not gay pride. You are free, of course, to broaden the discussion, but I am interested in hearing your thoughts on how this message relates to the situation at hand, namely the Chick-fil-A controversy.


