Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Both 'Marriage Amendment' AND 'Voter Photo ID Amendment' Rejected by Minnesota Voters

"Let the people vote," Archbishop Nienstedt was fond of saying throughout the Minnesota Catholic hierarchy's campaign to pass the 'marriage amendment.' Well, brother John, the people have voted and their voice on this issue made known.

A short time ago at 1:46 a.m., Minnesota Public Radio announced that "the proposal to amend Minnesota's constitution to define marriage as only between a man and a woman has been defeated."

Friends, this victory for gay rights means that Minnesota has made history, becoming the first state in the U.S. to defeat an anti-marriage equality amendment.

Earlier, both MPR and the Associated Press reported that the 'voter photo ID amendment' had been defeated.

All of this is unbelievably good news!

Following is the official statement from Catholics for Marriage Equality MN on the defeat of the 'marriage amendment':


On behalf of the Catholics for Marriage Equality MN board of directors, I extend heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all who contributed to the defeat of the ‘marriage amendment.’

If passed, this amendment would have been a major obstacle to the movement toward marriage equality in our state. With its defeat, we can now continue in the work of (i) ensuring civil marriage rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation, and (ii) educating our fellow Catholics on how such work is supported by the very best elements of our faith tradition.

Let us celebrate this historic victory for justice, compassion and the common good. Let us also pray for those troubled and confused by the defeat of the amendment. May our continued conversations cultivate respect and understanding. Let us pray, too, for healing, as this issue has caused great hurt and divisiveness within families, parishes and communities.

Finally, let us pray for Archbishop Nienstedt and the bishops of Minnesota; that the rejection of the amendment they actively and controversially supported may give them pause to reassess their priorities and refocus their energies and our church’s financial resources on activities that reflect the core tenets of our faith as embodied by Jesus.


Michael Bayly
Executive Coordinator, Catholics for Marriage Equality MN

Related Off-site Links:
Marriage Amendment Defeated – Madeleine Baran, Sasha Aslanian and Curtis Gilbert (Minnesota Public Radio, November 7, 2012).
Marriage Amendment Rejected by MinnesotansAssociated Press via KARE 11 News (November 7, 2012).
Minnesota Defeats Marriage AmendmentPioneer Press (November 7, 2012).
Minnesota Catholic Bishops Lament Defeat of 'Marriage Amendment' – Rose French (Star Tribune, November 7, 2012).
Same-Sex Marriage Wins on the Ballot for the First Time in American History – Ashley Fetters (The Atlantic, November 7, 2012).
Marriage Equality Victories a Watershed Moment for LGBT Americans – People for the American Way via (November 7, 2012).

11/9/12 Updates:
Republican Leaders Miscalculated; Amendments Backfired – Pat Kessler (CBS Minnesota, November 8, 2012).
Same-Sex Marriage: 'Minnesota, in Particular . . . is Proof That Tide Has Turned' – Beth Hawkins (MinnPost, November 8, 2012).
Election 2012 Shows A Social Sea Change on Gay Marriage – Lauren Markoe (Religion News Service via HuffPost Gay Voices, November 8, 2012).
Minnesota Priest Calls for Archbishop Nienstedt’s Resignation – Terence Weldon (Queering the Church, November 8, 2012).
Ten Reasons Why Marriage Equality Won This Year – Chad Griffin (HuffPost Gay Voices, November 9, 2012).
Catholic Hierarchy Mourns Marriage Equality Victories – Zack Ford (, November 9, 2012).
Eighteen Months to History: How the Minnesota Marriage Amendment was Defeated – Money, Passion, Allies – Eric Ringham and Sasha Aslanian (Minnesota Public Radio, November 9, 2012).

Image: The Minnesotans United for All Families' victory celebration in St. Paul, November 6-7, 2012. Photo by Javen Swanson.


  1. Greg Burke4:20 AM

    Congratulations, Michael, on a job well done. For myself I am scandalised by the bishops of the Catholic Church wasting so much money on their campaign. Thank God they failed. What will they learn?

  2. Congratulations Michael on a well run campaign. Big night for gay marriage supporters and for the matter the US. Onward and upward.

  3. Louise5:03 PM

    Good on you Michael :) All your hard work has paid off!!

  4. David5:04 PM

    Michael, congratulations to you and everyone you worked with on this. Congratulations to the people of Minnesota for both of these decisions!

  5. Thank you so much for all your tireless work, Michael. Thank you!

  6. Anonymous7:27 PM

    That is great news.


  7. Micheal, I know you and all the members of the C4ME-MN put in a LOT of work on fighting the marriage amendment, and so thank you all for your efforts!

  8. Pepper10:45 PM

    Dear Michael,

    You are an amazing person. I just read your c4me-mn letter and am very emotionally touched by your words of wisdom and respect. It is such a thoughtful and caring response.

    So glad I know you.

    Your friend,


  9. William1:45 PM

    Michael, congratulations to you and many others who worked tirelessly alongside you for months to achieve such a good goal. I hope you'll now have time to rest and celebrate. You are very much appreciated.

  10. Dear Michael,

    Your letter is beautiful! The third paragraph is so respectful, generous, loving, Christian. Jesus is proud of you!

    You are an amazing man and I look forward to when our paths cross again - hopefully soon.

    Let the work continue . . .

    Peace to you & yours.

  11. I'm dazzled. Heartiest congratulations - your immense hard work in the vineyard of the Lord has borne wonderful fruit.

    I know that on your side of the Atlantic, in the midst of the week's euphoria, it will be difficult to look elsewhere - but there has been more good news also, that is not American.

    The French government has stood firm against strong conservative opposition - and Catholic bishops - and confirmed that equality legislation will proceed next year.

    Spanish courts have roundly rejected an appeal by the conservative government, that the Spanish legislation is unconstitutional.

    The New Zealand parliament is engaged in committee stage hearings on their legislation, which is likely to pass next year. One of the witnesses was a Canadian cleric who testified that Canadian experience was that gay marriage strengthened the society.

    Add in Finland, which is sheduled to legislate next year (including provision for gay church weddings),and Colombia, which is obliged by court order to make provision, and that's at least four countries that will in 2013 add to the existing eleven).

    For good measure, at the other end of the scale there's even good news from Africa: Malawi is proposing the decriminalization of homosexuality.

    It's been a great week.

  12. Kathleen Crow9:26 PM

    Thank you, Michael, for your wisdom, endless commitment to the cause, and your compassion. We are all better for it.

  13. Congrats, Michael! So proud of all your hard work!

  14. Cathie Bayly10:42 PM

    Well done, Michael! Good news. xx

  15. Don Cailliez10:43 PM

    A laurel wreath for you, Michael. Thanks for all of your dedication and hard work.

  16. Amy Gabriel10:44 PM

    Thanks for your work on this campaign, Michael. Celebrating a sweet, sweet victory!

  17. Michael, kudos to you for your hard work! A job very well done. I hope you will have a chance to rest and enjoy the well-earned victory now.
