Friday, January 10, 2020

“A Beautiful Message, So Full of Greatness”

A beautiful message, so full of greatness. . . . That's how a friend described author Marianne Williamson's announcement earlier today on why she was choosing to end her bid to be the Democratic presidential nominee.

It should be noted that despite being considered an “outsider” and a “long-shot candidate,” Marianne made it further than some career politicians, such as Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Beto O'Rourke, and Julián Castro. She qualified for two of the six Democratic debates last year and reported raising more than $6 million in the first three quarters of 2019.

Marianne's campaign had a number of signature (and groundbreaking) policy platforms and proposals, including the allocation of $500 billion for reparations to African Americans and Native Americans, the establishment of a U.S. Department of Children and Youth, the setting up of a Whole Health Plan, and the creation of a Department of Peace which would work to prevent wars, reduce violence, and address issues such as white supremacy and domestic terrorism.

As regular readers would know, since Marianne first launched her presidential campaign last January, I've been a passionate supporter of her efforts to “politicize love” so as to both defeat Donald Trump and bring about a much-needed shift in consciousness, one that would include a realignment of public policies with the core democratic and humanitarian values of the United States.

Indeed, from the very beginning of her campaign Marianne urged her fellow citizens to “fall in love again with what this country can mean.” And throughout her campaign she never wavered in changing the conversation from symptoms to root causes in a way that the political media establishment routinely avoids. She also talked about the need to fundamentally disrupt the political and economic status quo and to initiate a “season of moral repair.”

Such truly radical stances, CK Sanders documents, ensured that “enemies weren’t hard to find.” Their take down strategy was “Operation: Mock, Reject and Omit,” and it went into full swing after Marianne's stand-out performance in the second Democratic presidential debate on July 30, 2019.

“This was a master hit job,” writes Sanders, “cruel, relentless and paid for until victorious. And with the DNC, the self-appointed gatekeepers of the electoral process, constantly moving the bar to make the debates, Williamson didn’t stand a chance to win the primary.”

Following is Marianne's message from earlier today, one that she shared on her website “with love and gratitude.”

Dear Friend,

I ran for president to help forge another direction for our country. I wanted to discuss things I felt needed to be discussed that otherwise were not. I feel that we have done that.

I stayed in the race to take advantage of every possible effort to share our message. With caucuses and primaries now about to begin, however, we will not be able to garner enough votes in the election to elevate our conversation any more than it is now. The primaries might be tightly contested among the top contenders, and I don’t want to get in the way of a progressive candidate winning any of them.

As of today, therefore, I’m suspending my campaign.

My deepest gratitude to those of you who supported my candidacy for all these months. The ideas we discussed are important, and I hope they’ll find seed in other ways and in other campaigns. From rescuing underserved, at risk and traumatized children; to proactively waging an agenda for peace and making humanity itself America’s greatest ally; to integrative health models within our health care system and incentivizing health; to reparations to achieve deeper reconciliation between races; to repudiating the corporate aristocracy; to the creation of a more mindful politics; to changing from an economic to a humanitarian bottom line; to initiating a season of moral repair—we brought issues to the fore that I hope contributed to the campaign season. I remain as committed to them going forward as I was on the day we began.

I learned many things about America during this campaign. I’m more convinced than ever that we’re a good and decent people, that democracy matters, and that what our country has always stood for is worth struggling for. I will continue in that struggle, and I know that you will too.

To our dedicated volunteers, generous contributors, and loyal staff who worked so hard—I will hold you in my heart forever. There are no words for how grateful I am for your kindness and generosity. May you be blessed on your journeys as you have so blessed mine.

To the remaining Democratic candidates, I wish you all my best on the road ahead. It was an honor being among you. Whichever one of you wins the nomination, I will be there with all my energy and in full support.

Finally, these are not times to despair; they are simply times to rise up. Things are changing swiftly and dramatically in this country, and I have faith that something is awakening among us. A politics of conscience is still yet possible. And yes . . . love will prevail.

With all my heart I thank you,



My friend's comment which serves as this post's title not only describes today's announcement from Marianne but also her entire campaign and Marianne herself. After all, for many people, myself included, who Marianne is and what she says and does comprise “a beautiful message, so full of greatness” (one beautifully rendered in Amanda Sage's artwork at left.)

Of course, not everyone recognizes this, as evidenced, for instance, by The Guardian's recent description of Marianne's campaign as “bizarre and mesmerizing.” I love how one reader responded to this:

[Marianne Williamson's] campaign was not bizarre. She sees a different future and one that would do us all good. We, unfortunately, are not ready to let the old ways go in the US. In the end, I would still vote for bizarre over mediocre any day.

As would I.

For those unfamiliar with Marianne and her candidacy, here are three short videos that capture well the relevance, wisdom, and vitality of her message. (For more videos, click here.)

Thank you, Marianne, for all you've done in running for president. I trust you made a difference . . . and will continue to make a difference. You certainly informed and inspired me.

Through your presence, words, and actions on the campaign trail you not only advanced a genuinely progressive agenda but also embodied the shift in consciousness that I believe the Sacred is calling all of humanity to manifest in and through our individual and communal actions. It's a shift that invites all to consciously choose love over and above fear. You reminded us, Marianne, that when such a choice is realized in our politics as well as in our individual lives, we will bring to birth an era of justice, peace, and healing to our world and our lives.

So, again, thank you!

Related Off-site Links and Updates:
Writer, Entrepreneur and Spiritual Leader Marianne Williamson Suspends Presidential Campaign – Elena Moore (NPR News, January 10, 2020).
Marianne Williamson Ends 2020 Presidential Campaign – Kate Sullivan and Eric Bradner (CNN, January 10, 2020).
Marianne Williamson Drops Out After Becoming Viral Sensation in 2020 Race – Caitlin Oprysko (Politico, January 10, 2020).
Marianne Williamson Drops Out of the 2020 Race – Alexandra Hutzler (Newsweek, January 10, 2020).
Why Marianne Williamson’s Unconventional Presidential Bid Didn’t Catch On – Nathaniel Rakich (Five Thirty Eight, January 10, 2020).
America’s Addiction to Contempt Was Too Strong for Marianne Williamson – Tristan Justice (The Federalist, January 10, 2020).
Marianne Williamson Is the Canary in the Coal Mine for American Democracy – CK Sanders (Medium, January 11, 2020).
Marianne Williamson Ends Presidential Bid, Says Campaign Tried Her Faith – Jack Jenkins (National Catholic Reporter, January 13, 2020).

1/13/20 UPDATE: Marianne Williamson: Where Do We Go Now?

UPDATES: Marianne Williamson Is Still On America’s Side – Howie Klein (Blue America, January 19, 2020).
Marianne Williamson Throws Support Behind Andrew Yang in Iowa Caucuses – Devan Cole (CNN, January 23, 2020).
Williamson Returns, Makes Case For “Happy Warrior” Yang – Pat Rynard (Iowa Starting Line, January 25, 2020).
Marianne Williamson Endorses Nancy Pelosi’s Progressive Opponent – Andrew Naughtie (Independent, May 18, 2020).

For The Wild Reed's coverage of Marianne Williamson's presidential campaign, see the following chronologically-ordered posts:
Talkin’ ’Bout An Evolution: Marianne Williamson’s Presidential Bid
Why Marianne Williamson Is a Serious and Credible Presidential Candidate
Marianne Williamson: Quote of the Day – April 24, 2019
Marianne Williamson: Reaching for Higher Ground
“A Lefty With Soul”: Why Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson Deserves Some Serious Attention
Sometimes You Just Have to Take Matters Into Your Own Hands
Marianne Williamson Plans on Sharing Some “Big Truths” on Tonight's Debate Stage
Friar André Maria: Quote of the Day – June 28, 2019
Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson: “We’re Living at a Critical Moment in Our Democracy”
Caitlin Johnstone: “Status Quo Politicians Are Infinitely ‘Weirder’ Than Marianne Williamson”
Marianne Williamson On What It Will Take to Defeat Donald Trump
“This Woman Is Going to Win the Nomination”: Matt Taibbi on Marianne Williamson in Iowa
Something to Think About (and Embody!)
The Relevance and Vitality of Marianne Williamson’s 2020 Presidential Campaign
Quote of the Day – November 4, 2019
Quote of the Day – November 11, 2019
Marianne Williamson: “Anything That Will Help People Thrive, I’m Interested In”
Marianne Williamson and the Power of Politicized Love
Quote of the Day – December 14, 2019
Marianne Williamson: “I Am Not Suspending My Candidacy”
Marianne Williamson on New Day with Christi Paul – 01/04/20


  1. Peter Grace10:02 PM

    The world's loss. What a great president she would have been.

  2. Nancy Gotto10:12 PM

    The world was not yet conscious enough to get what Marianne had to give.

  3. I always thought she had a powerful message, but sadly we just are not ready for it yet.

  4. Jackie Lannin10:50 PM

    Anything not seen or interpreted within what is considered the traditional norm is seen or heard as "bizarre." Most people have no sense of beyond their prescribed day-to-day – if something is different or challenges how they approach life, it is considered bizarre; it is a challenge, and people do not like to be challenged or figure out how to incorporate a different way of thinking and doing.

  5. Connie Olson10:51 PM

    I will miss her light. ❤
