Thursday, November 26, 2020

This Thanksgiving . . .


  1. Well put Michael.
    Happy Thanksgiving

  2. Jackie Lannin5:09 PM

    Michael, this is almost verbatim a promise I made to myself two weeks ago. It was all getting too much. I told myself we are in hibernation for change and rebirth. If I am tired, I sleep; NOT attempting anything too big that needs to be done until Spring/Vaccine/New Leaders. We need time to build up for what will be a better time and spirit next year. This has been a universal trying time for all of us. We are blessed to be healthy, have friends, homes and food. It's time to reflect on what we have built as friends and community and not dwell on destruction. We need to be ready to rebuild and support those who need our care. Have a good day and see you soon!

  3. Love it! Thank you. Just what I need!

  4. Moya Bayly5:35 PM

    Thank you, Michael. And Margaret, we ALL need this. Keep safe and well.
