Thursday, July 25, 2024

Something to Think About . . .

John Cusack: Quote of the Day
– 7/26/24

Related Off-site Links:
Remembering August Landmesser: The German Who Wouldn’t Salute Hitler – Jenn Gidman (USA Today, July 3, 2015).
“Guilty of Genocide”: Rep. Rashida Tlaib Protests Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress – Brett Wilkins (Common Dreams, July 24, 2024).

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
A Day of Shame at the U.S. Capitol
Kyle Kulinski: Quote of the Day – May 23, 2024
Judith Butler on the Ongoing Student Protests Against the Gaza Genocide
Naomi Klein’s Powerful Words on Israel’s and the West’s Ongoing Gaza Genocide
Outrage and Despair
“This Is a Genocidal Project”
“A Genocide Has Been Normalized”
Voices of Reason and Compassion on the Crisis in Israel and Gaza
More Voices of Reason and Compassion on the Crisis in Israel and Gaza
Phyllis Bennis: “We Can Never Give Up Hope”


  1. Hi, I am from Melbourne.
    I presume that you are now aware of this notorious outfit and that the despicable J D Vance is the nominated VP for the Orange Monstrosity - sometimes referred to as Orange Jesus!
    It turns out that the #1 honcho (Kevin Roberts) promoting the 2025 is in effect an opus dei operative, and that JD Vance is sympathetic with its aims and methods - he has at least once attended a NAPA gab-fest.
    Furthermore some/many of the 79 or so outfits that actively promote the 2025 project are in one way or another connected to either opus dei or the First Things cabal.

    That having been said check out a new Guardian essay via the key-words
    Kevin Roberts Project 2025 Opus Dei

  2. Hi, Jonathan! . . . Thanks for the heads-up about Kevin Roberts, his ties to Opus Dei, and the recent article in The Guardian about all of this.

    I am familiar with Project 2025, and recently highlighted it in this recent Wild Reed post.


