Sunday, April 21, 2024

Naomi Klein’s Powerful Words on Israel’s and the West’s Ongoing Gaza Genocide

The following 6-minute video is an excerpt from a much lengthier interview that Yanis Varoufakis conducted with author Naomi Klein this past Friday, April 19, 2024.

As one Facebook viewer notes: “Naomi Klein's analysis is indispensable [and] thorough; it heals you at the same time as it informs you. She crystallizes history.”

(NOTE: To view the full interview, click here.)

Judith Butler on the Ongoing Student Protests
Against the Gaza Genocide

Related Off-site Links:
The Memory of the Holocaust Is Abused by Zionists as a “Weapon”: An Interview with Norman FinkelsteinTRT World (April 19, 2024).
Nicaragua Takes Germany to the World Court for Facilitating Israel’s Genocide – Marjorie Cohn (TruthOut, April 13, 2024).
“Genocidal Actions” Persist in Gaza as Israel Blocks Aid and U.S. Weapons Flow – Julia Conley (Common Dreams, April 12, 2024).
Journalist Abby Martin Explains Why She Considers Israel’s Actions in Gaza to Constitute GenocideMiddle East Eye (April 3, 2024).
Briahna Joy Gray Unpacks IDF Lies About the Slaughter of World Central Kitchen Aid Workers in GazaRising (April 3, 2024).
“A War Machine Out of Control”: Israel Keeps Attacking Aid Workers as Gaza Faces FamineDemocracy Now! (April 3, 2024).
Draft U.N, Report Finds Israel Has Met Threshold for Genocide – Brett Wilkins (Common Dreams, March 25, 2024).
As Israel Blocks More U.N. Aid, Gaza Is on the Brink of “Most Intense Famine” Since WW2Democracy Now! (March 25, 2024).
“Children Are Dying”: Doctor Just Back from Gaza Describes Severe Malnutrition and Preventable InfectionsDemocracy Now! (March 22, 2024).
U.N. Panel Says IDF Appears Set on “Physical Destruction of Palestinian Children” – Jake Johnson (Common Dreams, March 22, 2024).
There Is No Moral Argument That Justifies the Sale of Weapons to Israel – Mary Lawlor (The Guardian, March 21, 2024).
Former U.S. Diplomat Says “Collaboration” in Gaza Genocide Could Make Biden “Target of Prosecution” – Julia Conley (Common Dreams, March 21, 2024).
The West Is Complicit in Israel’s Genocide – Yanis Varoufakis amd Raoul Martinez (Novara Media, February 17, 2024).
Why Must Palestinians Audition for Your Empathy? – Hala Alyan (Salt Lake Tribune, October 29, 2023).

UPDATES: “Obvious Evidence of Genocide”: Mass Grave Discovered in Gaza’s Nasser Hospital – Olivia Rosane (Common Dreams,April 21, 2024).
“Collective Punishment”: As Gaza Assault Continues, Israel Ramps Up Violence in Occupied West BankDemocracy Now! (April 22, 2024).
Pro-Palestinian Campus Encampments Spread Nationwide Amid Mass Arrests at Columbia, NYU, and YaleDemocracy Now! (April 23, 2024).

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Outrage and Despair
“This Is a Genocidal Project”
“A Genocide Has Been Normalized”
Voices of Reason and Compassion on the Crisis in Israel and Gaza
More Voices of Reason and Compassion on the Crisis in Israel and Gaza
Josh Paul: Quote of the Day – March 28, 2024
Phyllis Bennis: Quote of the Day – March 28, 2024
Michael Fakhri: Quote of the Day – February 27, 2024
Sabrina Salvati: Quote of the Day – January 2, 2024
Christmas 2023 – Reflections, Activism, Art, and Celebrations
Jehad Abusalim: Quote of the Day – December 8, 2023
Ta-Nehisi Coates: Quote of the Day – November 2, 2023
In the Midst of the “Great Unraveling,” a Visit to the Prayer Tree
Prayer of the Week – October 16, 2023
Something to Think About – October 12, 2023
Eric Levitz: Quote of the Day – October 11, 2023
Phyllis Bennis: “If We Are Serious About Ending This Spiraling Violence, We Need to Look at Root Causes”
“Nothing About Today is ‘Unprovoked’”
“The Mistreatment and Discrimination Against Palestinians Is Not Unprecedented. It’s Baked Into the Foundation of the Political System in Israel”
Progressive Perspectives on the Ongoing Israeli-Palestinian “Nightmare” (2021)
Something to Think About – July 29, 2018
Noura Erakat: Quote of the Day – May 15, 2018
For Some Jews, Israel’s Treatment of Palestinians is Yet Another Jewish Tragedy
Remembering the Six-Day War and Its Ongoing Aftermath
David Norris: Quote of the Day – August 12, 2014

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