Thursday, April 18, 2024

Sweet Surrender

We are all tired. Really, we are. It’s a hard road, but it’s also a beautiful one.

Perhaps we expect too much from ourselves and from others. Perhaps humanity can only make slow progress, like an inch worm. Perhaps we need to celebrate how far we have come more often. And rest more. And relish the simple pleasures. And look for love everywhere.

There is a river near where I live. It meanders slowly, peacefully. It doesn’t ask itself why it isn’t an ocean, or a raging river, or some other thing. It just surrenders to what it is. Maybe we just need to surrender more to who we are. I think I will lie down tomorrow beside the river. And take a rest. And sweet surrender.

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Respite By the River
Allow Everything to Rest Right Now
Resting in the Presence of the Beloved
Stepping Out of Time and Resting Your Mind
In the Stillness and Silence of This Present Moment
God Rest Us
The Beauty and Challenge of Being Present in the Moment
Today I Will Be Still
Cultivating Stillness
I Need Do Nothing . . . I Am Open to the Living Light
A Sacred Pause
Aligning With the Living Light
Mystical Participation
Dwelling in Peace
Inner Peace
A Season of Listening
Eckhart Tolle on Silence and Stillness
Eckhart Tolle on Going Beyond the Thinking Mind
To Be Still
The Soul’s Beloved
Mmm, That Sweet Surrender

Image 1: Saaxiib Qurux Baden (“Beautiful Friend”), Minneapolis, MN – Michael J. Bayly (4/18/24).
Image 2:Cosmic Connection” – Michael J. Bayly (11/30/20).

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