Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Stepping Out of Time

. . . and resting your mind

I share this evening a reflection written by Lana Carolan, one that she recently shared on the Facebook page for the Foundation for Inner Peace. This foundation is dedicated to publishing, distributing and discussing the writings collectively known as A Course in Miracles (ACIM).

I find Lana’s advice on how to still and quiet the mind to be very wise. It’s advice that rings true for me. It also aligns with Lana’s understanding of what it means to live the Course in Miracles. This living, says Lana, is all about “training my mind to begin each and every day with the choice for God.”

Such a choice, Lana says, means “keeping my mind present and mindful of what I am doing here and now, and being fully invested in this present moment. . . . It means bringing God with me in whatever I am doing. For me, that means bringing Love to everything I am doing.”

Beautiful and challenging words, to be sure!

Following are Lana’s thoughts on directing and placing our focus and attention on this present moment so as to be fully present with God.


Step out of time and rest your mind.

I’m often asked,“How do I still and quiet the mind?” Here are a few of the practices I've discovered over the years that I’ve found to be helpful. I hope they prove helpful to you as well.

Notice that when you bring your full focus and attention to any activity, i.e. reading, writing, meditating, or even watching TV, you are aware of only that activity. I’ve found that it is just about impossible for the mind to be present with God AND at the same time engaged with the thinking mind of the ego. I’m either present, here and now with God, OR my mind is occupied with the ego’s worries and problems. I call this “time traveling.” It is when the mind travels to past regrets or future worries instead of being present, here and now.

When you direct and place your focus and attention on this present moment, the mind becomes oblivious to all other thoughts and thinking activities. The mind “naturally” quiets itself when we keep our awareness present, and fixed in the here and now with God. This is also referred to as “mindfulness” and/or “Be Here Now.” Keeping your awareness “present” is key to a still and quiet mind.

Being “present” is part of the mind training I’ve found so valuable in A Course in Miracles. Some of the ways I’ve utilized and found helpful in keeping my mind in a state of present-moment awareness are prayer, saying a mantra, and meditation. I also say the rosary or recite the lesson titles in the table of contents in the [ACIM] Workbook. Anything that keeps the mind fixed and focused fully on the present moment has worked for me. Anything we find to be captivating will work. It just needs to hold our attention long enough for our monkey mind to settle down.

You will discover what works best for you. It does not have to be spiritual. When my peace is affected by physical pain, I’ve been known to binge-watch a Netflix series as a way of dissociating my “thinking mind” from the physical pain long enough for healing to occur. I don’t even have to “let go” of the pain because the pain actually “lets go” of me. As my mind is fixed in the present, the pain dissolves and disappears from my awareness. When I “pay it no mind,” it is the same as remembering the words of Jesus, “I will forgive and this will disappear.”

It does not take long for the mind to quiet itself when it has been captivated by God in a state of present-moment awareness. This is also the state of mind where I practice forgiveness, ask for guidance and healing, rest in God, and “Choose Once Again.” It is the place of miracles, communing with Jesus, and where holy instants occur with our brothers/sisters and our Holy Spirit. It is that state where the world disappears and only Love remains. Practice makes Progress. 😍

Lana Carolan
via Foundation for Inner Peace Group
September 17, 2023

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
In the Stillness and Silence of This Present Moment
Returning the Mind to God
The Beauty and Challenge of Being Present in the Moment
Cultivating Stillness
I Need Do Nothing . . . I Am Open to the Living Light
The Source Is Within You
A Sacred Pause
Aligning With the Living Light
Mystical Participation
Be In My Mind, Beloved One
Your Peace Is With Me, Beloved One
You Are My Goal, Beloved One

Opening and closing images: Adnan in September garden – Michael J. Bayly (9/1/23).

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