Friends, let me tell you it’s quite something to sit at a booth marked “Catholic” at a Gay Pride festival!
For a substantial part of the past two days I’ve been helping staff the Catholic Pastoral Committee on Sexual Minorities (CPCSM) booth at the Twin Cities LGBT Pride Festival in Loring Park, situated on the edge of downtown Minneapolis. The CPCSM booth also served as “home base” for Catholic Rainbow Parents and The Progressive Catholic Voice online journal.
As you can see from the photo above, we had a large banner that read, “Inclusive Catholics: Welcoming and Affirming Catholic Parishes and Communities.” Our booth was situated in a prime spot in Loring Park, a kind of “town square” location. We really couldn’t be missed! As a result, we had a lot of visitors and experienced a range of responses.

chats with visitors to the CPCSM booth in Loring Park
on Saturday, June 28, 2008.
Many folks did a double take when they first saw our banner.
“Inclusive Catholics? Is that even possible any more?” asked one passerby.
“Gay friendly?” inquired another. “You guys can’t be Catholic!”
In light of the Church’s treatment of its LGBT members, another visitor asked: “Shouldn’t it read, ‘Abusive Catholics’? He was only half joking, and I thought to myself: Yeah, he’s got a point.
One visibly irate visitor scoffed: “You can’t tell me there’s inclusive Catholic parishes after what the archbishop just did to St. Joan of Arc [Church].”
A young gay man also cited the recent controversy concerning St. Joan of Arc Church, noting that it was “the last place where I felt accepted, and now that’s not the case. It sucks.”
“Welcoming parishes are getting fewer and further between,” sighed another passerby, while one woman lamented: “I’m just so angry that the Church is going so backwards”; a view echoed by another passerby who declared: “The Church is moving forward into the twelfth century!”
“Over the centuries the Church has constructed a self-serving mythology,” one man said. “The Church is more concerned about maintaining this mythology than actually helping people. As long as they’ve got a group of people who buy into this mythology without thinking or questioning, then they’re happy to let the rest of us walk out the door.”
A man in his sixties declared: “I’ve been pissed off with the Catholic Church for 45 years.” When I asked him to explain why, he simply replied: “It’s just not user-friendly.”
Another man shared with me how a lot of his friends weren’t Catholic anymore. “And I can see why,” he said. “The situation is bad and it’s only getting worse. I’m really unhappy with the new archbishop. He’s so out of it.”
“He’s misinterpreting God,” another visitor said of Archbishop Nienstedt.
Yet another visitor to our booth remarked: “The archbishop has shot himself in the foot, big time, by alienating not just gays and lesbians, but women and anyone who isn’t Catholic in the same way he is.”
One man shared his nickname for Archbishop Nienstedt: “I call him ‘Dr. No,’” he said with a chuckle. Elaborating, he said, “How can you spend your life saying ‘No!’ ‘No!’ ‘No!’? What a wasted life.”
In sharing her views of those who comprise the Roman Catholic hierarchy, one elderly woman leaned toward me and said with utter conviction: “If Christ were here he would throw them out of the Temple!”
One young man confessed: “I grew up Catholic but left because of its treatment of gays.” He looked sadly at our “Inclusive Catholics” banner and said: “It would be nice to see change. Then I’d come back.”
So many eyed our banner with sad, weary smiles. “I’ve been there,” their look seemed to say, “but I just couldn’t take the spiritual and psychological abuse anymore.”

Yet although some can no longer stay, many nevertheless expressed support for the efforts of CPCSM, Catholic Rainbow Parents, and The Progressive Catholic Voice online journal to help the Church develop a more informed, compassionate, and inclusive theology of human sexuality.
“You’re doing a wonderful service of witness to a Church leadership that has lost its way,” one transgender individual told us.
“The Church is a living Church,” an elderly man reminded us. “And only the people can make it change.”
Another passerby paused, looked at our “Inclusive Catholics” banner and beamed: “It just makes me happy to see those two words together! Thank you for being here.”

Following are some more images from the
Twin Cities 2008 Gay Pride celebration . . .
Twin Cities 2008 Gay Pride celebration . . .

Above: Some young Catholic visitors to the CPCSM booth - Sunday, June 29, 2008.

Above: What a cutie!

Above: A Native American presence at Pride. The indigenous peoples of the Americans have, of course, the tradition of Two-Spirit people.

Above: Gay rugby players! How butch.

Above: The words ‘pride’ and ‘truth’ written on the bodies of these two young men reminded me of Mark Lachapelle’s observation in his recent letter to the Star Tribune newspaper: “Growing up to discover one’s true identity is not a choice,” he writes. “The choice is whether to honor the truth of one’s identity and to act on it with dignity and grace. I view GLBT Pride as a celebration of truth, not [of a] meaningless ‘lifestyle.’”
(To read Lachapelle’s letter in its entirety, see the postscript to the previous Wild Reed post, Star Tribune’s Coverage of Catholic LGBT Pride Service).

Images: Michael Bayly and Paul Fleege.
See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Inclusive Catholics Celebrate Gay Pride (2007)
Worldwide Gay Pride - 2008
Worldwide Gay Pride - 2007
Our Catholic “Stonewall Moment”