Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Brigit Anna McNeill on “Winter’s Way”

Winter’s way is one many humans have become fearful of. For it leads us to meet what is held within, the company we keep in the empty moments.

The stillness of winter does not match many people’s constant want for noise and distraction. Yet it is so important to keep a balance, an inward, outward breathing cycle.

Winter is whispering her restful deepening message into the land. Speaking it into the tree people, the plant allies, the bones of animals. Furred, winged, scaled, and two legged, and they all feel it. It is time to go inwards, to rest back in darkness and quietude. To listen and to feel what lies beneath in our own inner world.

Winter invites a period of reflection, inward work, and dreaming. Our own powerful annual retreat time, should we heed the invitation.

I wonder, what would people do if they really went with what their bodies and nature are calling them to take notice of. Would they sleep more, go to bed earlier, draw, listen, snuggle, light candles, nourish their bodies with good and simple foods?

For me this time is about lighting fires, reminding us of the fire and warmth within. Bringing light and love into our darkness, acknowledging ourselves with kindness and care. Resting, dreaming, writing, listening, and honouring what has gone by, and what is to come. Honouring our home, both inside and out, through taking notice and being attentive. Embracing with care, all we find.

– Brigit Anna McNeill
Excerpted from a Facebook post
December 15, 2020

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Brigit Anna McNeill on the Meaning of Winter Solstice Time
God Rest Us
Winter of Content
Meeting Truth
Balancing the Fire
Winter . . . Within and Beyond (2019)
Winter . . . Within and Beyond (2017)

Image: Michael J. Bayly.

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