Last Sunday (May 25) I participated in the inaugural Walk Against Weapons, a collaborative endeavor by two local justice and peace groups, Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) and AlliantACTION.
For many years, WAMM was a participant in the annual Headwaters Walk for Justice, a fundraiser for Minnesota nonprofits. When the Headwaters Foundation announced earlier this year that they would no longer be organizing the yearly Walk for Justice, WAMM and AlliantACTION organized a fundraising walk for WAMM from the old corporate headquarters of Alliant TechSystems in Edina to its new headquarters in Eden Prairie, a distance of approximately 5.5 miles.
Alliant TechSystems (ATK) is the largest Minnesota-based weapons manufacturer and the primary supplier of landmines, cluster bombs, nuclear missile rocket motors, and depleted uranium munitions to the U.S. Department of Defense. The corporation has sales representatives in over 60 countries.

Above and below: Former FBI agent and whistleblower Coleen Rowley was one of the speakers at the rally prior to the walk.
To read Coleen's article, "Why Many Catholics Are Confused About Torture," click here.

Above: Longtime justice and peace advocate, Marie Braun.

Above: Before the walk commenced, a cleansing ritual was conducted at the front door of ATK's former headquarters in Edina (pictured above).

Above: Sending a message even when taking a rest. Now that's dedication!

Above: Approaching ATK's new corporate headquarters in Eden Prairie.

Above: We did it! (Click on the above image for a larger view.)

Above: It wasn't just people who walked.

Above: The youngest walkers - and, perhaps not surprisingly, also the first to complete the walk. Although I wonder: does using a skate board count? I guess this young boy was "skating against weapons"!

Above and below: Roger and Jo provided some wonderful music along the entire course of the walk. What troupers. Literally!

Images: Opening image and group shot in front of Alliant TechSystems courtesy of CircleVision.org. All other images by Michael Bayly.
Recommended Off-site Links:
Women Against Military Madness (WAMM)
See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Award-winning "Hellraisers" At It Again
Alliant Action
It Sure Was Cold!
General Strike for Peace
Fasting, Praying, and Walking for Immigration Reform
May Day 2007
May Day and a "New Bridge"
1 comment:
Nice photos, thanks for writing about this.
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