Well, as you’ll see from the following excerpt from an article in today’s Times of India, there’s good news to share about the efforts to decriminalize homosexuality and its expression.
In [it’s] judgment . . . the court declared that Section 377 IPC, where it “criminalized consensual sexual acts of adults in private,” violated fundamental rights to personal liberty (Article 21 of the Constitution) and equality (Article 14) and prohibition of discrimination (Article 15).
“There is almost unanimous medical and psychiatric opinion that homosexuality is not a disease or a disorder and is just another expression of human sexuality,” the court observed.

Though the provisions of this repeal will not be recognized outside of New Delhi and full equal protection under the law may be a long way off, the decision represents a massive step toward equality to many. As expected, however, many prominent religious figures have come out against the ruling, Lucknow Muslim cleric Maulana Khalid Rashid Farangi even going so far as to say that “Western culture cannot be permitted in [India]”. . . In spite of the long road ahead and intolerance in the meantime, India’s gay community remains hopeful. “We’ve finally entered the 21st century,” Anjali Gopalan, executive director of sexual health organization the Naz Foundation Trust, who filed the petition, told the Associated Press. “I’m so excited, and I haven’t been able to process the news yet.”

Recommended Off-site Links:
Will India Accept Gay Couples? - Rituparna Bhowmik (Reuters, July 3, 2009).
Gay Sex Ruling: Views from India - BBC World News (July 2, 2009).
See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
“Homosexuality is Not Unnatural”
The Many Manifestations of God’s Loving Embrace
Love is Love
New Studies: Gay Couples as Committed as Straight Couples
The Real Gay Agenda
Image 1: Participants dance as they hold a placard demanding the dropping of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code that makes homosexuality illegal, during a Gay Pride Parade in New Delhi, India - Sunday, June 28, 2009. (AP Photo/Gurinder Osan)
Images 2-5: Gay citizens and their supporters outside Delhi High Court after it annulled the law that criminalizes adult homosexual relations, in New Delhi. (TOI Photo)
One feature in this widely welcomed story has been mostly ignored. It was a colonial law which criminalised homosexual relations in the first place. In the ancient world, in non-Western societies, and in Christian Europe for the first millennium and more, it was not homosexuality but exclusive heterosexuality which was seen as unnatural.
In overturning this law, India is simply returning to the tradition of its rich, thousands years old,tradition.
Thanks for pointing out this story's often ignored feature, Terence, and for expanding on it so insightfully.
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