Another busy month – one that started with my friend Javen Swanson and I co-facilitating a marriage equality presentation in St. Cloud on the evening of December 1.

Left: Part of the evening included the screening of the video series Catholics for Marriage Equality. For more information about this series, click here. To view the five "video vignettes" that comprise the series, click here.

Above: On the evening of Saturday, December 10 my friend Kathleen hosted a lovely Advent dinner at her home in South Minneapolis. Pictured from left: Brian, Bob, John, Kathleen and James.
For The Wild Reed series "Advent 2011:Thoughts and Reflections," click here.

Right: On Saturday, December 17, I had some friends over to my St. Paul home for a little Christmas celebration – one that involved an "Aussie Quiz"! Pictured from left: Raul, Paul, Mark, me, Walter and Tim. It was a fun night!

Left: Friends Darlene, Noelle, Eileen, Kate, Jim and Phil. For more images of this gathering, click here.

Above: Another evening of fun took place December 23, watching Velvet Goldmine and enjoying rum spiked eggnog with friends Jacob, Phil, Curtis and Liana.

Left: Enjoying some Christmas cheer with my friend Kathleen.

Above: Paul and Cass – Christmas Eve 2011. For a picture of Cass' brother Oscar, click here.

Left: With my friend Phil – Christmas Day 2011.

Right: Liana and Curtis. And to think there wasn't even a hint of mistletoe in sight!

Above: The always welcoming and generous Noelle and John. Thank you!

Left: Joey, the young (and very talented) violinist!

Above: With my friend Kathleen – December 26, 2011.

Right: With the inspiring Polly Mann at our mutual friends Ken and Carol's New Year's Eve gathering.

Above: My friend Daniel (standing) also hosted a New Year's Eve get-together.

Above: I saw the actual New Year in at a third gathering – one hosted by my friend Mark. From left: Mark, Raul, Dan, Walter and Jim.