Friday, September 10, 2010

A Way to Show Your Support for American Muslims

Are you concerned with the hate speech, confusion, and misinformation about American Muslims that has spread across the country in the last month?

The Quaker lobbying group Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) is, and doing something about it by gathering signatories in support of the following statement.

I stand with American Muslims and their supporters in the Christian and Jewish faith who are planning to build an Islamic Cultural Center in downtown Manhattan.

I stand with American Muslims in exercising their freedom to gather and worship, as guaranteed by our U.S. Constitution.

As a people and as a country, we can continue this country’s project to build a more perfect union by welcoming the Islamic Cultural Center and helping it to become a reality.

As of today more than 7,000 people have signed this petition. The goal is to reach 11,000 by tomorrow, September 11.

To sign the petition, click here.

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Informed and Helpful Perspectives on the "Ground Zero Mosque" Controversy
What Catholics and Muslims Share in Common
What Muslims Want
Their Faith, Their Voice
The Anti-Muslim Sentiment of Some Americans: The Onion Nails It
Irene Khan: Shaking Things Up Down Under
In the Garden of Spirituality - Karen Armstrong
A Dangerous Medieval Conviction

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