Above right: My friends Bernie (front), Mim and Raphael.
How did I get to be flood-bound in Maclean? Well, as I've noted previously, I'm here with members of the McGowan family – all of whom are dear friends and some of whom live just outside of Maclean. My plan was to spend a couple of days with them after attending the wedding of the eldest McGowan son in the coastal town of Kingscliff, 200 kilometres north of Maclean.
Mim, Collette, Kristy, Jeremiah, Raphael, Iggy, Bartley, Victor and Mike
– Kingscliff, New South Wales, January 8, 2011.
Above left: With my friend Raph, waiting for the bus that would never arrive!
Raph and Mim were also prevented from returning to the Sunshine Coast where they live and work, while Mike's brother Bartley was prevented from returning to his home in Melbourne. Both Mike and Bernie are unable to travel to their workplaces in nearby Grafton. It's been this way for four days now. Hopefully things will clear up by the weekend.
But I'm with friends and, while we're certainly keeping those who have been most impacted by these terrible floods in our thoughts and prayers, we also remain thankful for being alive, being together and being able to love life in the midst of the situation we currently find ourselves.
Following are some images of our life here in flooded-in Maclean.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
In this picture he gives his sister Mim some tips on boxing.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Today was quite sunny and so we spent much of it working outside doing yard work.
Above and left: Mim and Raph take turns mowing the grass on a ride-on lawn mower.
Friday, January 14, 2011
clearly shows the extent of the flooding that has isolated the town of Maclean.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Some more jobs around the yard were completed today along with time spent relaxing in the hammock that was put up by Raph on Thursday. Then in the afternoon, Bernie, Raph, Mim and I traveled to the coastal spot known as Broom's Head. The road to this part of the coast has recently been reopened. Access to the Pacific Highway, however, remains blocked by flood waters.
Above: This look of mine is way too serious for the t-shirt I'm wearing!
NEXT: In Maclean, an End to the "Siege"
See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
The Australian Floods
Rising Waters
Recommended Off-site Links:
Bridge to Nowhere: Pacific Highway Cut at Harwood – ABC News (January 14, 2011).
Volunteer Army Assembles to Help Flood Victims – ABC News (January 15, 2011).
Search Continues for Missing in Lockyer Valley – ABC News (January 15, 2011).
Photos of the Australian Floods
A Video of the Flooding in Maclean
Donate to the Flood Relief Appeal
Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures. It is good to see all that green. Makes me feel a little warmer as it is 10 degrees here. (That is 10 degrees F not C.) Keep enjoying the special time with your friends.a0720
Just checked the weather again. Down to 5 degrees here and I am off to bed soon as it is almost midnight.
Glad to hear you are safe and with friends. The pics are delightful especially the green grass. Gives us some hope that one day again it will be green here.
Quinn misses you!!!
Love to you and to all,
Noelle and the Morrison clan
I am so grateful to see you doing the mundane beautiful things with your friends while you are stranded. The pics are great. I just returned from a quartet rehearsal for our MPO salon on Jan. 29. Also, I loved the Stirring the Fire Retreat with the CSJ's today too.
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