During my last days in Maclean, when the town was no longer totally besieged by flood waters, I spent time with my friends Raph, Bernie and Mim in Yaegl country.
Yaegl is the Goorie (Aboriginal) name for the area around the little coastal town of Brooms Head.

Setting off to explore Yaegl country, Bernie and Mim opted to take the path that runs along the top of the headland before descending to a sandy beach. Raph and I, with our history of roving, chose to follow a creek bed down a rather steep incline to a small rocky beach. From here we followed the coastline along the base of the headland to the main beach.

interesting shots is one of the main reasons we go roving!

Above and below: Washed out and washed up! That was the fate of this hay bale that must have been washed out to sea by the recent flooding further inland, and then washed up on the beach at Brooms Head.

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
In Maclean, an End to the "Siege"
A Day Roving the Mid North Coast
Photography: Michael Bayly and Raph M.
Great photos again! Although some of us back here have decided it is time for you to come back (home...) as you are clearly having too much fun while we are freezing!! :)
More great pictures, Michael. Happy Australia Day to you, your family and your friends. God bless you all.
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