Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Butch Ware: “You Can Actually Vote Your Conscience”

Every effort to protect Team Blue, to protect the Democrats from facing accountability for the evil that their own hands have wrought is equally evil. If you are trying to shield them from the electoral consequences of 200,000-plus deaths in Gaza, of 11 months of genocide, of increasing police murders [of Black people] in every single year since they have been in power, of sending troops in riot gear in Democratic-controlled states to crack kids’ heads [as they protest U.S. support of Israel’s genocide in Gaza] . . . then you are part of the problem.

Wake up and unplug from the propaganda machine. Everyone is fearmongering around Trump as though fascism is not already here. . . . I have entered this fight alongside a lifetime humanitarian, peace activist, ecological conservationist and moral leader, Jill Stein, in order to shake America out of its stupor. You have more choices than just blue militarized fascism or red militarized fascism. You can actually vote your conscience, vote Green.

[T]he Democrat Party has already lost the swing states of Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania. The Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, ISPU, has publicly available data, that the Democrats certainly saw before I saw it, that indicates that in [these three key swing states] Joe Biden received 65% of the vote in 2020, and the Democrats are polling under 15% in those states now. They could not have won the 2020 election without those swing states, and they could not have won those swing states without Muslim voters. Those voters are gone. They are not coming back. Dead man walking. The Democrats cannot win.

. . . [The] Yaqeen Institute will release [data] this week [showing] that over 53% of the Muslims that they surveyed nationwide are now supporting third-party candidates, with something like 80% of those going to the Green Party, that the support for the Democrats in the Muslim community is at 15%, and it’s at 4% for Trump. So, this effort to try to pin an inevitable defeat of the Democrats upon third-party candidates or upon Muslims is at best disingenuous, and for those with a clear sense of moral integrity, it is obviously gaslighting.

Related Off-site Links:
Vote Against Genocide; Vote for Jill Stein – Doug Rogers (River Reporter, September 25, 2024).
Dr. Butch Ware: American Muslim Political Power, Ending Genocide, and Voting Green PartyThe American Muslim Dialogue Podcast (September 22, 2024).
Jill Stein’s VP Candidate Butch Ware Stuns Liberal Talk Show HostsDangerous Ideas with Lee Camp (September 21, 2024).
Dr. Butch Ware on His Green Party Vice Presidential CampaignBlack Agenda Report (September 20, 2024).
Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Selects Dr. Butch Ware as Running MateNewsNation (August 16, 2024).

UPDATE: “Democrats Lost the Muslim Vote”: An Interview with Jill Stein and Butch Ware – Sabrina Salvati (Sabby Sabs, September 26, 2024).

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
The “Green Smoothie” Option
“Americans Deserve Choices”: Jill Stein on Breaking Points – 4/30/24
Butch Ware: Quote of the Day – September 12, 2024
Butch Ware: “I’m Not Here as a Spoiler”
Green Party Vice Presidential Candidate Butch Ware in Minneapolis
Demolishing the False Narrative About Jill Stein and the 2016 Election
Peter Bloom on the Unmasking of the “Democratic Charade”
When Democrats Undermine Democracy
Politics 101
Something to Think About – August 15, 2024
Voices on the Issues That Really Matter
“It’s a Systematic Slaughter That We’re Funding”
Chris Hedges on the End of the American Empire
Breaking Down Kamala Harris’s DNC Speech on Gaza
Progressive Perspectives On an American Coronation
Marianne Williamson: “‘Vote Blue No Matter Who’ Is Not Enough to Win in November”
Centrist/Corporatist Democrats Have Just Launched “Left Punching” Season
Progressive Perspectives on the Crisis in U.S. Electoral Politics
Hope Over Fear: Voting Green

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