Monday, September 16, 2024

Politics 101

Third parties aren’t spoilers. Listen, you can’t spoil something that’s already rotten. And if I want to vote for a Green Party candidate, my vote goes to the Green candidate; if I want to vote Libertarian, my vote goes to the Libertarian; or to an Independent, whomever.

Politics 101 is this: whoever convinces the most voters to give them their vote is how they get into office. . . . And, corporate media, why are you acting so shocked that people actually have an opinion that maybe they might want to vote for something else other than Democrat or Republican? Seeing how the two choices have always screwed us over, a wise person, a rational person will break away from the two party system.

Kit Cabello
Excerpted from “Even With Media Blackout, Jill Stein
and Green Party Leads With Arab/Muslim Voters

Hard Lens Media
September 16, 2024

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Something to Think About – August 15, 2024
“Americans Deserve Choices”: Jill Stein on Breaking Points – 4/30/24
Butch Ware: “I’m Not Here as a Spoiler”
Green Party Vice Presidential Candidate Butch Ware in Minneapolis
Butch Ware: Quote of the Day – September 12, 2024
Demolishing the False Narrative About Jill Stein and the 2016 Election

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