Monday, January 13, 2025

Marianne Williamson on MSNBC’s The Weekend – 1/12/25

Wow, finally! . . . Progressive Democrat Marianne Williamson, who has twice ran for president and is currently running for DNC Chair, was recently invited onto MSNBC, the corporate media mouthpiece for the Democratic Party’s corporatist establishment.

Marianne was a guest on The Weekend, one of the network’s Sunday morning talk shows, where she was interviewed by hosts Symone Sanders-Townsend and Michael Steele. Hers is a voice I’ve longed to hear on a regular basis on the Sunday morning talk show circuit. Why? Because her authentically progressive perspective needs to be heard in this time of the collapse of the neoliberal Democratic Party and the rise of the increasingly authoritarian Rupublican Party.

Following are some online comments in response to Marianne’s appearance on MSNBC yesterday.

• Wow! I can’t believe MSNBC is actually having someone outside of the corporate establishment on air.

• Sad how MSNBC chose not to mention her excellent books on politics, A Politics of Love and the brilliant Healing the Soul of America.

• Marianne Williamson won 3% of the votes in the 2024 Democratic Presidential Primary – with virtually zero corporate mainstream media attention from MSNBC or other networks. That’s actually why I clicked this video – I was shocked and excited to see Williamson on MSNBC at all. It was hard to watch though. Clearly the Democrats currently in charge are out of touch with voters to lose to a convicted felon. Instead of being humbled and open to much needed new ideas, many in the party have gone out of their way to disrespect Marianne, who is now a legit DNC candidate.

• Marianne in the DNC would be the heart transplant the party needs.

• She’s brilliant. I’m so angry Democrats have sidelined her.

• Why the long face, Symone? Ah, your precious status quo is all you care about. I almost forgot. God forbid anyone try and shake up the establishment; can't have that. Yep, 2028 should be interesting.

• She hit ’em with dem truth bombs and pissed ’em off! Their allegiance is to the establishment and the status quo! I’d love to see Marianne take the chair!

• You can always tell when someone is stating truth and saying the right things. The two hosts couldn’t clobber Marianne quick enough and were talking over each other to do so. That’s a “Bingo!” reaction. She hit a nerve. It was embarrassing to watch them react to her like that, frankly.

• Watch the Girl Boss style being modeled by Symone Sanders-Townsend. I’m done with it! It’s women trying to behave like men to prove how tough they are. That’s over with Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz! We need a woman leader who brings a whole new collaborative approach. We want a more transparent, HONEST, people-powered party. Many of us have told the Democratic Party what we want, and they refuse to listen to us. Let’s be brave enough and forward thinking enough to try something new! Marianne Williamson is a breath of fresh air and she has the intellectual, political and, yes, spiritual gravitas to take on a job of such magnitude. Let’s hope the Democrats are smart enough to get out of her way and let her lead.

• I love [Symone and Michael] but they are trying so hard to make Marianne look bad or unqualified, but she knows what she’s talking about. I’m annoyed by how they are treating her. She is literally telling you what the DNC needs to do to win back voters and you two aren’t listening or understanding it.

• Marianne Williamson will make the best DNC chair and will bring a moral center to the Democratic Party.

• Yes to much better storytelling, but what matters more is trusting the storyteller. I trust Marianne Williamson.

• I hope Marianne, Bernie, and Elizabeth Warren can team up to combat the horrible years that will soon arrive.

• If the DNC members vote for Marianne, there is a chance for a new transformed DNC. If they stick with the same old boring losers – literal losers – the Dem party will cease to exist in a few years. Marianne is relentless and is the only hope for the Democrats right now.

• Please put this woman in charge of the DNC. We need her brilliance, relational skills, ethics, vision, and leadership. We need a big change as the current leaders are too authoritarian and manipulative. I cannot believe the same people who obstructed Bernie are still calling the shots and yet are so off-course that they didn’t even have a primary this time. This woman has the energy, passion,and love of democracy and democratic values that the Democratic Party needs.

• Marianne nailed it, as always. The human element has not been a factor in our political processes, discussions and decision-making for so many decades, and I see why our politicians find the “emotional and psychological factors” elusive. There is only ONE reason why we do anything at all, and that is – to change the way we feel. This is human nature 101. Period. So, of course, the emotional and psychological factors are necessary, as Marianne says. While data is useful, no amount of data will move a human being to action unless and until he/she FEELS heard and seen. Unfortunately, Trump allegedly heard and saw the millions who gravitated into his sphere of influence. That’s what the Democrats were supposed to do.

Related Off-site Links:
My Plan for the DNC – Marianne Williamson (Transform, January 14, 2025).
Marianne Williamson Speaking to the DNC Labor Council – January 4, 2025.
A Call to Our Better Angels Is Being Made – Suzanne Taylor (Now What?, December 31, 2024).
Marianne Williamson on How Democrats Can Win AgainCNN Newsroom (December 30, 2024).
Marianne Williamson Runs for DNC ChairNewsNation (December 29, 2024).
Marianne Williamson: Democrats Need a “Radical Transformation”Sky News (December 29, 2024).
Marianne Williamson on DNC Run and Why Elon Musk’s Influence Over the GOP Is “Terrifying” – Jason Lemon (Newsweek, December 29, 2024).
Marianne Williamson on Why Americans are Rejecting the Status QuoNewsNation (December 28, 2024).
The DNC Needs Marianne Williamson – Brandon Clark (December 28, 2024).
Marianne Williamson Discusses Her Bid for DNC Chair – Fox News (December 26, 2024).
Who’s Running for DNC Chair? Marianne Williamson Throws Hat in Ring – Monica Sager (Newsweek, December 26, 2024).
Marianne Williamson Discusses Her Bid for DNC ChairABC News Live (December 26, 2024).
Marianne Williamson Is Running for DNC ChairNewsNation (December 26, 2024).
Marianne Williamson on Her Bid to Head the DNC and Reinvent the PartyLA Progressive (December 26, 2024).

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Marianne Williamson Makes Her Case for Being the Next DNC Chair
Marianne Williamson Is Seeking to Restore Honesty and Integrity to the DNC
Breaking the Mold: Why Progressives Should Push for Marianne Williamson to Lead the DNC
Progressive Perspectives on Where Democrats Went Wrong in the 2024 Election
“A New Chapter of the Democratic Party Needs to Begin”
What the Republican Party Now Stands For
The Green Party’s Jill Stein and Butch Ware Give Their First Post-Election Interview
Neoliberalism vs Neofascism: Cornel West on the State of U.S. Politics
The Cassandra of U.S. Politics on the “True State of the Union”

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