I lived with Ken and Carol for five years (1998-2003) before moving across the river to St. Paul to caretake the house I currently live in. I still see them on a regular basis as we share a meal together at least twice a month. In addition, for a number of years now, Ken and I have delivered Meals-on-Wheels every Thursday. Both Ken and Carol appear regularly in my "Out and About" posts (see, for instance, here, here, here, here, here, and here). I consider them my surrogate American parents, and I love them both dearly. Happy Birthday, Carol!
Ken and Carol met my Mum and Dad in the summer of 2005. For a picture, see this previous Wild Reed post.

Above: I took this portrait of my friend Terence Dosh for the program booklet of the Catholic Coalition for Church Reform's upcoming Synod of the Baptized: "Claiming Our Place at the Table." Terry is a highly-respected church historian and co-founder of the Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church (ARCC). He's also been actively involved in numerous church reform organizations, including CORPUS, the International Federation of Married Priests, and Call to Action Minnesota.
At the September 18 Synod, Terry will be one of two recipients of CCCR's inaugural Adsum Award. The other recipient will be my friend David McCaffrey, co-founder and current president of the Catholic Pastoral Committee on Sexual Minorities.
I've been working with others on preparing the Synod booklet, and following is what we say in it about the Adsum Award.
Adsum is a Latin word which means "I am present and listening." Whenever the participants in Vatican II were gathered at St. Peter's Basilica their traditional prayer was the exclamation: adsumus - "we are present and listening." It is now our turn to say Adsumus, to be present and attentive - and the Spirit will not fail us.
The Adsum Award hereby recognizes those individuals who have made their extraordinary commitment to be present and attentive to the Spirit, to be partners in re-creating the face of the church here in the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis.
To learn more about CCCR's Synod of the Baptized and/or to register, click here. But don't wait too long as we're rapidly approaching our capacity of 500 participants!

Left: Robert Caruso, pastor of Cornerstone Old Catholic Community, and his partner John.
Above: After the Mass we shared a wonderful meal together. From left: Phil, Brittany, Mary, Emily, John, John, Paula, Robert, and Doug.
For more images and commentary on this event, click here.

Above: Doug and Quinn – August 20, 2010.
I feel so fortunate to have met Doug on Sunday, August 1 at Spirit of the Lakes United Church of Christ. We've spent the past month getting to know one another, enjoying each other's company, and developing a very special relationship. And, of course, it's always great to spend time with the adorable Quinn!

Above: My friends Angie and Bryan by that part of the Mississippi River not far from my St. Paul home – Saturday, August 28, 2010.

Above: At my favorite spot by the river – Saturday, August 28, 2010.

Right: Jim, John and Paula.

Left: John and Noelle.

Right: John's friend Timothy also entertained with both singing and dancing!

Left: Finalizing particulars with friends and fellow Synod organizers Mary Jo and Mary.
Much of my time and energy over the past several months have been spent on helping plan and organize CCCR's Synod. Although it's not an official Archdiocesan event, the Synod's definitely going to be a major event within the life of the local church of St. Paul-Minneapolis. I feel very honored to be working with so many enthusiastic and dedicated individuals and groups to make real a Catholic Church that, locally and universally, radiates Jesus' core teaching of radical equality, unabashed inclusivity, and transforming love. That, in a nutshell, is what CCCR and its Synod are really all about.
For more on CCCR and its Synod of the Baptized, see the following (chronologically-ordered) Wild Reed posts:
Introducing the Catholic Coalition for Church Reform
Many Voices, One Church
"Something Exciting and Joyous"
Preparing to Claim Our Place at the Table
CCCR Responds to Censure by Chancery
An Exciting Endeavor
A New Phase
The Spirit of Pentecost is Very Much Alive in the Church of St. Paul-Minneapolis
Taking It to the Streets
See also the following Progressive Catholic Voice posts:
In What Sense Are We Progressive Catholics?
CCCR Work/Study Groups Underway
CCCR's 2010 Synod: A Progress Report
Chancery Issues Statement on CCCR
CCCR Responds to Censure by Chancery
A Point of View
CCCR's 2010 Synod: A Second Progress Report
Let Our Voices Be Heard!
Rosemary Radford Ruether on Creating a Liberating Church (Part 1)
Rosemary Radford Ruether on Creating a Liberating Church (Part 2)
Rosemary Radford Ruether on Creating a Liberating Church (Part 3)