Above: With my boys Quinn and Eddie at the home of my friends John and Noelle – whose son (and my good friend) Phil took this wonderful photo!
For more images of my canine friends Quinn and Eddie, see here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Above: On the evening of Ash Wednesday (March 9), Doug and I prepared a delicious vegan soup at the home of my longtime friends Ken and Carol.
From left: Carol, Ken, Doug, Sue Ann, Betty and Kathleen.
For my Lenten reflection, "Waking Dagobert," click here. For the Lenten thoughts of others shared this year at The Wild Reed, see here and here.

Lots of meeting this month! Some were with folks from the Catholic Coalition for Church Reform as we continue to plan for Synod 2011 and the launching of the Council of the Baptized.
Other meetings, such as the one above, involved members of Catholics for Marriage Equality MN . From left: Paula, Lisa, Scott, Mary Kay, and Frank.
A primary goal of Catholics for Marriage Equality MN is to educate, inspire and mobilize local Catholics to speak out against and reject any form of anti-gay marriage legislation that they may be called to vote on in 2012. Sadly, such legislation is a priority for the Minnesota Catholic Conference of Bishops. Recent data clearly shows, however, that the majority of Catholics support same-sex civil marriage. Still, we have a difficult road ahead of us if, as anticipated, an anti-gay marriage amendment is put on the ballot in 2012. I'll definitely keep folks posted, via both The Wild Reed and The Progressive Catholic Voice, about the upcoming events and initiatives currently being planned by Catholics for Marriage Equality MN.

Above: The birthday celebration for my friend Larry (third from left) at Rudolph's – Saturday, March 12, 2011.

Right: With my friend Al at Rudolph's – March 12, 2011.

Left: With my friend Gail at the Capitol – March 19, 2011.

On Friday, March 25, I had a social gathering of members and supporters of Catholics for Marriage Equality MN at my home in St. Paul.
Right: My friends Michael and Jim.

Left: Friends Mary Beth, Mary Kay, and Paula.

Right: My party became, at one point, an impromptu "listening session." And that was okay!