Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Building Solidarity on the Left

Podcaster Sabrina (“Sabby”) Salvati recently shared highlights and offered analysis on last month’s Workers Strike Back conference in Seattle. If you have 40 minutes to spare, her video segment below is well worth watching.

Following are some online comments in response to Sabrina’s segment on the Workers Strike Back conference.

• Thanks for the coverage. I attended the conference and was truly inspired and motivated. I encourage everyone to become a member of Workers Strike Back as this powerful movement is going very far, hopefully it will unite the socialist and eco-socialist left to form a new populist political party of the left that will directly challenge the corporate and corrupt duopoly. It was great seeing and talking to so many of my fellow Greens from across the nation who were at the conference. There is a huge sense of unity among this movement.

• I attended and it really was amazing, I drove with my son and friends and met Kshama Sawant and Chris Hedges, I had a wonderful conversation with Chris outside. . . . Down to earth people who are on the frontlines of exposing and opposing the rich and their two parties.

• Gosh! Chris Hedges sounds as though he knows what he’s talking about. Small wonder he was excommuniacraed from corporate media!

• Chris Hedges is a courageous and decent man full of empathy, same with Dr. Jill Stein, a lovely woman. Kindness and empathy is something truly lacking in our society.

• Here in Olympia WA the Republicans and the Demorats have done their very best to destroy single family housing and increase rental housing by changing zoning laws. This is called “middle” housing and used to be called “missing middle” housing. This policy destroys homeownership for first time buyers as the single family housing becomes rentals and/or become demolished in favor of high priced rental housing. Also, Democrats here have consistently voted for tax abatements for LUXURY HOUSING in DOWNTOWN Olympia.

• Both parties feed at the same trough!

• Germany just had its national election. Germany has four major political parties, and at least four minor parties. The U.S. has two parties that represent a diminishing percentage of the public.

• I was there and the day was inspiring. We need solidarity on the left. I also hope that we add to our work getting proportional representation.

• The Democratic establishment will never ever change. Having said that, I wonder if there are Democrats who could switch over to the Greens or become Independent. I for one would love it if Democrats like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar became Greens while in office. That way Greens would have seats at the federal level and would make things far easier for the building of a pro-labor movement.

• Sabby frequently reminds us that she is supports neither Republicans or Democrats. Got it. What I’d like to know is is she in total lock step with Jill Stein? If not, where does she disagree with her. I’m not sure everyone agrees with 100% of any candidate’s views. So Sabby, what are your critiques, if you have any, of the people/party you do support? As an example, look at Marc Lamont Hill who’s a member of the Green Party; I’ve frequently heard him express his displeasure with aspects of the Green Party.

• This was an amazing conference. If you haven’t listened to the whole thing, it is worth your time. Join, join, join!

Related Off-site Links:
Left Parties Advanced in the 2024 U.S. Election – Alan Zundel (Political Dharma, March 5, 2025).
Jill Stein and Kshama Sawant on the Fight the Rich MovementSabby Sabs (January 26, 2025).
Trump Is Unpopular – and So Are the Do-Nothing Democrats – Jeet Heer (The Nation, February 18, 2025).
Liberal Pod Save America Triggered by Stephen A. Smith’s Truth Bombs – Sabrina Salvati (Sabby Sabs, February 21, 2025).
If You’re a Democrat Annoyed by Outraged Voters, You Are Doing It Wrong – Norman Solomon (Common Dreams, February 24, 2025).
Democrats Are MIA – Just When the Country Needs Them to Counter the Trump-Musk Blitzkrieg – David Corn (Mother Jones, February 24, 2025).

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
“It Is Our Responsibility to Make a Third Party Viable”
“The Moment Is Ripe”: Butch Ware on Building a “True Oppositional Alternative” to the Duopoly
Democrat Talk on the Eve of Trump’s Return
Breaking the Mold: Why Progressives Should Push for Marianne Williamson to Lead the DNC
Inauguration Day Thoughts
The Green Party’s Jill Stein and Butch Ware Give Their First Post-Election Interview
Progressive Perspectives on Where Democrats Went Wrong in the 2024 Election
“A New Chapter of the Democratic Party Needs to Begin”
What the Republican Party Now Stands For
The Lamentable Legacy of the Biden Administration
Jill Stein: “We Give Reasons for People to Come Out and Vote”
We’re Witnessing a Liberal Meltdown Over Jill Stein
Butch Ware: “You Can Actually Vote Your Conscience”
Peter Bloom on the Unmasking of the “Democratic Charade”
The “Green Smoothie” Option
Green Party Vice Presidential Candidate Butch Ware in Minneapolis
When Democrats Undermine Democracy
Elise Labott on How Third Parties Can Revitalize Democracy
Something to Think About – August 15, 2024
Centrist/Corporatist Democrats Have Just Launched “Left Punching” Season
“Americans Deserve Choices”: Jill Stein on Breaking Points – 4/30/24
AOC Falls in Line
The Cassandra of U.S. Politics on the “True State of the Union”
Will Democrats Never Learn?
“The Next Step Is a Green Step”: Cornel West Endorses Jill Stein (2016)
Hope Over Fear: Voting Green

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