Above: The premiere of Catholics for Marriage Equality at the Riverview Theater, Minneapolis – September 29, 2011 (the Feast of St. Michael!). I had the honor of serving as the executive producer of this project.
Recommended Off-site Links:
Catholics for Marriage Equality MN
MN Catholic Bishops Critical of Video Vignettes Supporting Gay Marriage – Rose French (Star Tribune, September 29, 2011).
New Video Adds to Gay Marriage Debate Among Catholics – Lauren Radomski (KSTP, September 29, 2011).
Archdiocese Says Marriage Equality Group That "Seeks to Confuse Catholics" Must Be Avoided – Andy Birkey (Minnesota Independent, September 30, 2011).
Twin Cities Archdiocese Decries Catholic Gay Rights Group – Doug Belden (Pioneer Press, September 30, 2011).
MN Archdiocese: Catholics for Marriage Equality Are "Not in Good Standing with the Church" – Zack Ford (ThinkProgress.org, September 30, 2011).
Archdiocese Renounces Catholics for Marriage Equality Group – Joe Kimbell (MinnPost.com, September 30, 2011).
What is "Marriage Itself"? – Paula Ruddy (The Progressive Catholic Voice, September 30, 2011).
Catholics Promoting Marriage Equality: Minnesota Group Produces Powerful Video – William D. Lindsey (Bilgrimage, October 1, 2011).
See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Local Catholics Premier Video Series on Faith, Family and Marriage
In the Struggle for Marriage Equality, MN Catholics are Making a Difference by Changing Hearts and Minds
Catholic Attitudes on Gay and Lesbian Issues: An Overview
A Catholic Statement of Support for Same-Sex Marriage
Tips on Speaking as a Catholic in Support of Marriage Equality
Responding to Bishop Tobin's Remarks on Gay Marriage
Catholic Theologian: "Heterosexism, Not Homosexuality, is the Problem"
Image: Michael J. Bayly.
Thank you, Michael. The entire presentation was incredibly inspiring and encouraging. Minnesota will end the old streak and begin a new one.
Powerful work. Thank you on behalf of the whole community.
It was a really good event Michael. The video was impressive and the stories were very moving. Thank you for inviting us and for all your hard work in fighting for our rights!
It was an exciting, moving event. We will overcome with this LOVING video. Thanks to all the participants and creators of the video. Keep spreading the word.
Congratulations!! I feel elated at the turn out last night as well as the generosity of the people!! I was so touched by the stories shared.
I was so please with the coverage on Channel 5, because the message of love came across. I had to chuckle at the comment about our group "masquerading as Catholics."
Let's continue to spread the love!
I am so excited about the DVD. It will be a powerful tool to win the hearts and minds of the folks in Minnesota.
I was impressed with the presentation and am glad the news covered it.
I wonder if the representative from the Archdiocese is willing to say that all those Catholics who disagree with the Church's stance on birth control are also "masquerading" as Catholics. I hope the loving approach works for us in this case, but part of me wishes we would at least ask them some of the tough questions and get them on the record revealing the contempt they have for ALL dissenting viewpoints.
I caught that "masquerade" comment, too. This is precisely what all Catholics need to hear from the powers that be. When any Catholic who struggles with any teaching of the Church hears that she/he is then "masquerading" as Catholic, it will nicely push forward our cause.
Michael, congratulations to you and the entire team for an outstanding video and a marvelous premiere! What a great turnout. David would have been overjoyed.
As I mentioned last night, the contrast between this video and the Archbishop's is so stark. Your tone was peaceful, reflective, confident, and loving. Every person featured in the video had such reverence for the essence of his or her faith, regardless of his or her current status. You had a good balance of individuals and perspectives, and a very professional production. The video can't help but touch people, Catholic or otherwise. Though I am less attached these days to this or any faith system, I am very attached to your good hearts and to the valiant work you do. You will be a huge asset in the coming amendment struggle.
The TV coverage was excellent. They gave the premiere quite a bit of time. Tom Murr definitely got in his two cents worth!
Again, thanks to all of you for a job well done!
Truly excellent work, Michael! Such a well attended, and positive event. The videos are so moving. They bring a sense of clarity and purpose to the discussion about marriage. Thanks for all of your hard work.
I believe we brought the human face and experience to this mean spirited issue. I'm looking forward to sharing the video and having multiple discussions in the next year.
Congratulations on carrying out this vision and supporting marriage equality to the GLBT community!
Ch. 5 gave it a good long segment, and right at the top of the hour! Good going!
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