Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Marianne Williamson on ABC News Live – 8/20/24

I’ve decided to borrow a line from Democracy Now! to describe the series I’m doing this week: "Breaking with Convention." It’s a series that highlights issues and perspectives that I believe should be, but (so far) are not, part of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) currently taking place in Chicago.

This series started yesterday with Ralph Nader and continued this morning with Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone. This evening it’s the wisdom and compassion of author, activist, and former Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson that I highlight.

Williamson, who was interviewed earlier today by Kyra Phillips of ABC News Live, is currently in Chicago, though not as an official speaker at the DNC. That’s unfortunate as her voice is one that needs to be heard. Yet given what she says in this interview about Biden’s and Harris’s response (or lack thereof) to the crisis in Gaza, you can understand why she won’t be on the DNC stage any time soon.

Following are some online comments on Marianne’s media appearance today.

• Whenever you think Marianne Williamson may sell-out, she doesn’t! She pleasantly surprises us time after time, and always falls on the side of standing up for issues and people. So much energy, charisma, and youthfulness-in-spirit for an older lady. You’d would never guess she’s as old as she is [71] with that spirit of soul and fire.

• Thank you, Marianne! Keep holding their feet to the fire!

• Well spoken. The U.S. can play a decisive role in ending the horrendous slaughter of Palestinians. Words from Democrats are not enough; they need to act – and act now! People will accept no less.

• Why is she the clearest head in the game but not getting attention?

• Harris has a “progressive past”? What? When?

• Thanks, Marianne. I am so sorry that the Democrats (who give lip service to democracy) do not welcome you. You are courageous, and your cogent, insightful comments should be given the gravitas they deserve.

• What’s insane is that she isn’t the one to beat! Have you heard any of that information from other candidates? The light has come! Marianne has my vote!

• Well stated and accurate. Also, had Harris had to compete in a robust Democratic primary, she’d not be the candidate. The fix was in, the Democratic establishment controlled it from the beginning. But hey, I’m all for the Dems and their excitement at having anyone else but Biden to rally behind. The Dems deserve that. It’s just too bad that Harris was selected by [party insiders] and not by an actual primary process.

• Marianne is a wise woman and she should be supported. She deserves a cabinet position.

• Why is Kamala already chosen as the only candidate for the Democrats? How is that democratic? . . . Why is Marianne not being nominated right now?

Now they give you coverage! You are a shooting star whose flame leaves imprints upon people's hearts and souls. Well deserved coverage but yuo deserved it profoundly before too. Love yuo, Marianne. What you bring to the table is long, long overdue. They fear your love, your light, your ability to bring action to important issues of justice and peace.

• Did they say “former” presidential candidate? Bad decision.

History Matters

Related Off-site Links:
Marianne Williamson: My 2024 Endorsement Is That People “Think for Themselves”Your World with Neil Cavuto (August 20, 2024).
Thousands March on DNC in Chicago to Demand End to War on GazaDemocracy Now! (August 20, 2024).
“History Is Watching”: Gaza Doctors Urge Harris to Back Israel Arms Embargo at Democratic Convention – Brett Wilkins (Common Dreams, August 20, 2024).
President Biden’s Cruel and Orwellian Remarks on Gaza at the DNC – Norman Solomon (Common Dreams, August 20, 2024).
Vice President Harris, Here’s How You Can Earn Our Votes – Eman Abdelhadi (Common Dreams, August 20, 2024).
First-Ever DNC Panel on Palestinian Rights: We Need to “Restore the Soul of the Democratic Party”Democracy Now! (August 20, 2024).
Ceasefire Delegates: Palestinian Children Can’t Eat Words – Abby Zimet (Common Dreams, August 20, 2024).
Kamala Harris and the Misalignment with Black Voter Expectations – ElleBeah LB (ElleBeah’s Substack, August 14, 2024).
Democracy Despises a Coronation – Hamiliton Nolan (In These Times, August 15, 2024).

UPDATES: As Gaza War Is Largely Ignored on DNC Stage, Doubts Grow over Blinken’s Claims on Ceasefire TalksDemocracy Now! (August 21, 2024).
On DNC Sidelines, Progressives Push Democrats to Fight for the Working Class – Jessica Corbett (Common Dreams, August 21, 2024).
The Horror of It All: The Unbearable Tragedy of a War That Does Not End – Marianne Williamson (Transform, September 1, 2024).

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Progressive Perspectives on an American Coronation
Voices on the Issues That Really Matter
Active Hope
John Cusack: Quote of the Day – July 26, 2024
Memes of the Times
On This Momentous Day in U.S. Politics, a Visit to the Prayer Tree
Progressive Perspectives on the Crisis in U.S. Electoral Politics
Something to Think About – August 15, 2024
Just Imagine
Centrist/Corporatist Democrats Have Just Launched “Left Punching” Season
Marianne Williamson, the Ceasefire Candidate
Super Tuesday in Minnesota
Marianne Williamson on ABC News Live – 5/19/24

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