Friday, October 11, 2024

“People Are Sick of the Bullshit”

This past Wednesday, October 9, Hard Lens Media, a podcast hosted by Kit Cabello, highlighted and analyzed footage of The Grayzone’s Liam Cosgrove confronting U.S. State Department spin doctor Matthew Miller about the Biden administration’s ongoing enabling of the Israeli government’s “genocidal project” in Gaza and beyond.

“This administration has financed a genocide in Gaza for the last year and every day you’re up there denying it,” Cosgrove told Miller before declaring, “People are sick of the bullshit in here, it is a genocide.”

In examining Cosgrove’s confrontation with Miller, Cabello highlights Peter Beinart’s recent appearance on Joy Reid’s MSNBC show The Reidout. Beinart is a political analyst and the author of the forthcoming book Being Jewish After the Destruction of Gaza: A Reckoning. In this segment, Beinart strongly critiques the role of mainstream corporate media and its various personalities in covering the Israeli government’s response to the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel. And he makes these strong critiques on corporate media and to one of its personalities! It’s quite something. . . . As is Cabello’s segment in general, although I realize his style of presentation may not be everyone’s cup of tea.

What Hamas did on October 7 was evil in that it targeted civilians in a really horrifying way. But if you want to fight against that violence, you can’t do it effectively unless you understand that it’s within a larger structure of the violence of oppression. . . . [I]f you believe that all human life is precious, you have to believe that Palestinian life is precious too. Even strategically, if you don’t understand the context in which the October 7 attack happened, if you can’t distinguish between understanding and justifying, which are completely different things, you’re not going to have an effective strategy. And that’s [also] what happened after 9/11. We didn’t have a good strategy for dealing with Iraq and Afghanistan because we didn’t do the right analysis about why in fact those attacks happened.

. . . Good for Kamala Harris for [recently] showing genuine empathy and talking about Palestinians as human beings. But people are not going to take you seriously in that rhetoric if you keep unconditionally providing weapons – the same weapons that are killing people in Gaza and killing people in Lebanon. If these words are going to mean anything, they have to be followed by actions.

Peter Beinart

Related Off-site Links:
Journalist Calls Out U.S. Spokesperson During Press BriefingArab News (October 9, 2024).
“It’s Genocide and You’re Abetting It” – Journalist Finally Tells U.S. Government Spokesperson What We’re All ThinkingSkwawk Box (October 9, 2024).
The Mainstream Media Has Failed Us After 7 October – Peter Beinart (The Guardian, October 7, 2024).

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Jeff Cohen: Quote of the Day – February 28, 2022
John Atcheson: Quote of the Day – October 19, 2019
Bernie Sanders and the Corporate Media
What Marianne Williamson Learned from Running for President
The Exception to the Rulers
Now Here’s a Voice I’d Like to Hear Regularly on the Sunday Morning Talk Shows
Reacting to the Effects, Not the Cause, of What Ails Us

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