In marking this day Terence Weldon has posted a thoughtful reflection on his blog, Queering the Church. Following is an excerpt.

Personally, I agree that Jesus was certainly “queer”, in the sense that he was plainly a sexual non-conformist who did not conform to the social expectations of the time. It must be true that, as “fully human”, he must have experienced sexual feelings. Even in Jewish society, if he had indeed given expression to these with another man, this would not have been exceptional: as long as he did not contravene that Leviticus prohibition on lying with a man “as with a woman” – i.e. with anal penetration. I also take it is true that he was clearly gay – friendly, as is clear from the story of the centurion, his words abut Eunuchs, and (possibly) his friendship with Martha Mary and Lazarus. So, to say Jesus and John were possibly sexually intimate lovers is to me not shocking, indeed possible – but also irrelevant.

One of the reasons I believe it is helpful to reflect on the saints is to see them as role models, that is, to try to imagine ourselves in their place, to try to follow their example. If we do this, actively imagining ourselves in the place of John, the beloved disciple, we may more easily see ourselves as we really are – beloved ourselves.

– Terence Weldon
“St. John the Evangelist, the “Beloved Disciple”: December 27”
Queering the Church
December 27, 2010
“St. John the Evangelist, the “Beloved Disciple”: December 27”
Queering the Church
December 27, 2010
See also the related Wild Reed posts:

Why Jesus is My Man
Jesus Was a Sissy
Jesus and the Centurion (Part 1)
Jesus and the Centurion (Part 2)
Jesus and Homosexuality
“More Lovely Than the Dawn”: God as Divine Lover
Lover Of Us All
Christ and Krishna
The Archangel Michael as Gay Icon
The Allure of St. Sebastian
"From Byzantine Daddy to Baroque Twink" – Charles Darwent on the Journey of St. Sebastian
Song of Songs: The Bible's Gay Love Poem
Image 1: LifeWay Church Resources.
Image 2: Artist unknown.
Image 3: Valentin de Boulogne.
Image 4: Lester Yocum.
Image 5: OrthodoxPhotos.com.
Entirely eisegetical - and uninformed by ancient Jewish social relations. A simpler explanation is that Jesus and John - or the Beloved Disciple, whether different people or the same person - were "fictive kin." The closest friendships were those between siblings, not between spouses (as they come from different families) and certainly not between parents and children, even adult parents and their adult children.
Fictive kinship established the closest possible friendship-in- family. Sexualizing that relationship would have been considered incestuous and violation of Jewish Law and social mores.
Thanks for your shout out, Michael -- and for your ever-useful set of links to related posts.
Thanks for this post Michael. And, an introduction to Terence's site.
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