Following is a further selection of 2010 Wild Reed posts that I particularly enjoyed putting together. Many of these posts have also generated the most comments from readers.
If you’ve yet to read these posts then I hope you'll take the time to do so. I also hope that the experiences and insights they convey will, in some way, resonate with you and encourage and inspire you on your journey.
April 2010
One Overwhelming Fire of Love (Part 4 of The Wild Reed's 2010 Holy Week series featuring excerpts from Andrew Harvey’s book, Son of Man: The Mystical Path to Christ)
The Most Dangerous Kind of Rebel (Part 5 of The Wild Reed's 2010 Holy Week series)
Resurrection: Beyond Words, Dogmas, and All Possible Theological Formulations (Part 6 of The Wild Reed's 2010 Holy Week series)
Blaming the Gays
The Cosmic Christ: Brother, Lover, Friend, Divine and Tender Guide (Part 7 of The Wild Reed's 2010 Holy Week series)
Bill Donohue's "Blame the Gays" Tactic Refuted by John Jay Study Researcher
Remembering Oscar Romero
The Wounded and Risen Christ
A Clerical Leadership Unresponsive to Voices of Reason
Let's Face It: The Catholic Church is a Gay Institution . . . and That's a Good Thing!
At UTS, a Rousing and Very Catholic Display of Support for Marriage Equality
A Message of Hope (and a Call to Action) from the Land Down-Under
Rockin' with Maxwell
Part 3 of The Wild Reed series celebrating the city of Istanbul
Archbishop Nienstedt Calls (Again) for a Marriage Amendment to Minnesota's Constitution
May 2010
Uproar on the Streets of Minneapolis (Part 1)
Uproar on the Streets of Minneapolis (Part 2)
Part 8 of The Wild Reed series The Journal of James Curtis
Thanks, Mum!
Dale Carpenter on the "Win-Win"Reality of Gay Marriage
Sister Jeannine Gramick Asks: "Who Speaks for Catholics?"
Revisiting Dirk Bogarde
The Spirit of Pentecost is Very Much Present and Active in the Church of Minneapolis/St. Paul
June 2010
The Scourge of Homophobia in Economically Impoverished Countries
The Fizzer Finale of Lost Brings to Mind the Unraveling of Twin Peaks
"Homodevotion" to the Body of Christ
Standing Strong (Part 1 of The Wild Reed's special “Gay Pride 2010” series)
Jesus Was a Sissy
Notes from the "Laughable but Tragic" World of Courage
Growing Strong (Part 2 of The Wild Reed's special “Gay Pride 2010” series)
Jesus and Homosexuality (Part 3 of The Wild Reed's special “Gay Pride 2010” series)
It Is Not Good to Be Alone (Part 4 of The Wild Reed's special “Gay Pride 2010” series)
A Scientific Look at Vampire Mythology
The Bisexual: "Living Consciously and Continually in the Place Where the Twain Meet" (Part 5 of The Wild Reed's special “Gay Pride 2010” series)
LGBT Catholics Celebrate Being "Wonderfully Made"
Spirituality and the Gay Experience (Part 6 of The Wild Reed's special “Gay Pride 2010” series)
Recovering the Queer Artistic Heritage (Part 7 of The Wild Reed's special “Gay Pride 2010” series)
A Catholic Presence at Gay Pride
NEXT: Part 3: July - September 2010
See also the previous post:
The Wild Reed's Year in Review: January – March 2010
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