Following is a final selection of 2010 Wild Reed posts that I particularly enjoyed putting together and sharing. Many of these posts have also generated the most comments from readers.
If you’ve yet to read these posts then I hope you'll take the time to do so. I also hope that the experiences and insights they convey will, in some way, resonate with you and encourage and inspire you on your journey.
October 2010
Catholic Church Can Overcome Fear of LGBT People
Francis of Assisi: The Antithesis of Clericalism and Monarchism
Honoring (and Learning from) the Passion of Saints Sergius and Bacchus
Europe 2005 (Part 5)
The Raising of Lazarus and the Gay Experience of Coming Out
Shifting the Focus to the Real Issues . . . Live on Fox News
Dark Matters
The Beauty of Autumn in Minnesota
Daniel Maguire on the Progressive Core of Catholicism
Daniel Maguire on Catholicism's "Long History of Demeaning Sexuality"
Daniel Maguire on Sex as Liturgy
Daniel Maguire on the Wedding of Sexuality and Spirituality
Daniel Maguire in Minneapolis
Journeying Into the Truth . . . Valiantly, of Course!
A Birthday Weekend
The Church and Dance
Lucinda Naylor's "The Wave"
November 2010
At the Cathedral of St. Paul, Rainbow Sashes and a Circle of Love
An Old Catholic Perspective on the Roman Hierarchy's "Dumbing Down" of the Catholic Church
The Potential of Art and the Limits of Rigid Orthodoxy to Connect Us to the Sacred
A Catholic Statement of Support for Same-Sex Marriage
Daniel Maguire: "Heterosexism, Not Homosexuality, is the Problem
What Do Heath Ledger, Susan Boyle, and Catholics for Marriage Equality Have in Common?
The Two Editorials that Benilde-St. Margaret's Catholic High School Doesn't Want You to Read
Two Very Different Perspectives on the Military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy
The Pope’s Latest Condom Remarks
CPCSM and the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis (Part 4)
Pope Embraces an Acceptable Form of Relativism
Part 5 of The Wild Reed post celebrating the city of Istanbul
The Trouble with the Male Dancer (Part 1)
December 2010
Kristen McQueary: "Yes to Civil Unions and Yes to My Catholic Faith"
Australia Bound
Thoughts on Transformation (Part 1)
Sydney Sojourn
Thoughts on Transformation (Part 2)
Francis DeBarnardo: "The Church is Better Because of the Presence of LGBT People"
The Trouble with the Male Dancer (Part 2)
Thoughts on Transformation (Part 3)
Censored Gay Catholic High School Student Honored by Peers
John Dear on Celebrating the Birth of the Nonviolent Jesus
Christmas in Australia
An Afternoon at Flynns Beach
Terence Weldon on the "Disciple Jesus Loved" as a Role Model for LGBT Christians
The Trouble with the Male Dancer (Part 3)
Summer Vocation
CPCSM's Year in Review
See also the previous post:
The Wild Reed's Year in Review: January – March 2010
The Wild Reed's Year in Review: April – June 2010
The Wild Reed's Year in Review: July – September 2010
Image: "Reeds" by Robert Morris (2003).
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