Sunday, July 07, 2024

Marianne Williamson on NewsNation – 7/7/24

A day after her appearance on Neil Cavuto’s Fox News program, progressive Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson appeared today on NewsNation’s “Morning in America” show.

On both Fox News and NewsNation, Williamson called on President Joe Biden to end his bid for a second term, citing deep concerns about his capability and chance of winning reelection. She also called for an open Democratic Party convention where the convention delegates (not the party elites) would choose a new nominee via a transparent and truly democratic process.

One may be wondering why the most progressive Democratic presidential candidate – and the sole “ceasefire” candidate – is being hosted by a conservative outlet like Fox News and not a liberal one like MSNBC. Well, the sad truth is that throughout her campaign it has been Fox News which has provided Marianne with the most airtime due to her being blacklisted at both CNN and MSNBC — two media outlets that for all intents and purposes are mouthpieces for the pro-Biden and corporatist DNC and Democratic establishment. It’s a sorry state of affairs, to be sure. Still, I’m glad Marianne was able to get her voice and message out this past weekend.

What I support is the democratic process.

When you say [Vice-President Kamala Harris] would “step-in,” that’s not how a democracy is supposed to work. This is supposed to be thrown over to the delegates. This is not about party elites saying, “Well, who are we going to decide upon?” This is how we got here, because a small group of people . . . political and media elites, decided it’s going to be Joe. That’s how we got here. The last thing we need is for anybody to think they have the right to say it’s going to be Kamala.

This is about a democracy, and you can’t have a democracy when you don’t have a democratic process.

[Because it’s about democray, it’s] about Kamala running if she wants, Gavin Newsome running if he wants, any of us running if we want; and it should be in the hands of the delegates [to choose the nominee]. And it’s also important that the media heed that insistence on the part of the people. Anyone who is an FEC-registered qualified candidate should be given equal exposure. . . . And it will be exciting, by the way. . . . If you actually throw this thing open right now and you have different people saying, “Hey, I’m running!” – Gavin, Kamala, myself, whomever else. And let us have a mini-primary and then at the convention we’ll actually do what in a democracy is supposed to be done.

It’s an abberational chapter of American history that all this is so locked-up by political and media elites before people even get to conventions.

Marianne Williamson
July 7, 2024

Related Off-site Links:
Amid Growing Calls for Biden to Pull Out, Congressional Democrats Remain Split – Deirdre Walsh and Claudia Grisales (NPR News, July 7, 2024).
Only the Lord Almighty Can Save Us Now – David R. Weiss (Full Frontal Faith, July 7, 2024).
Sen. Bernie Sanders on Biden: “He’s Gotta Do Better”Common Dreams (July 7, 2024).
Marianne Williamson Presses Biden to Withdraw: “We Need to Recalibrate Quickly” – Lauren Irwin (The Hill, July 6, 2024).
After Biden’s ABC Interview, It’s Time to Pull the Emergency Cord – Norman Solomon (Common Dreams, July 6, 2024).
“Blew Up in Their Face”: Marianne Williamson Slams DNC Decision to Boost Biden – Naomi Lim (Washington Examiner, July 5, 2024).
Here’s How It Would Work to Replace Biden Before or During the Democratic Convention – Miles Mogulescu (Common Dreams, July 3, 2024).
Risk of Trump Win “Too Great”: First House Democrat Calls On Biden to Step Aside – Julia Conley (Common Dreams, July 3, 2024).
How to Replace Biden and Beat Trump: Longtime DNC Member Jim Zogby Proposes Process to Pick New NomineeDemocracy Now! (July 3, 2024).
Marianne Williamson Throws Her Hat Back in the Ring After Biden Debate Disaster – Marco Margaritoff (The Huffington Post, July 3, 2024).
Marianne Williamson Calls for Open Convention to Decide Democratic Nomination – Neil Vigdor (The New York Times, July 2, 2024).
Marianne Williamson: “The System is Bleeding Voters” – Urja Sinha (NewsNation, May 19, 2024).
Love, Democracy, and Gangster Politics – Marianne Williamson (Transform, May 5, 2024).
Primary Purpose and Power – Marianne Williamson (Transform, March 12, 2024).
Biden and Other Centrist Democrats Keep Bragging About the Economy. But Here’s the Problem – Perry Bacon Jr. (The Washington Post, February 20, 2024).

UPDATES: Biden Tells Democrats He's Not Leaving the Race, and It's Time to Stop Talking About It – Tamara Keith (NPR News, July 8, 2024).
The Kamala Conundrum – Les Leopold (Common Dreams, July 8, 2024).
Biden Would Suffer Massive Loss to Trump, New Polling PredictsRising (July 8, 2024).
DNC Sabotage: The Silencing of Marianne Williamson and the Fight for a Fair Democratic Process – ElleBeah LB (ElleBeah’s Substack, July 21, 2024).

See also: Marianne 2024 Official Site | About | Issues | News | Events | Donate

For The Wild Reed’s coverage of Marianne Williamson’s 2024 presidential campaign, see the following chronologically-ordered posts:
Marianne 2024
Marianne Williamson Launches 2024 Presidential Campaign
Progressive Perspectives on Marianne Williamson’s Presidential Run
More Progressive Perspectives on Marianne Williamson’s Presidential Run
Ben Burgis: Quote of the Day – March 10, 2023
Despite the Undemocratic Antics of the DNC, Marianne Williamson Plans on “Winning the Nomination”
The Biblical Roots of “From Each According to Ability; To Each According to Need”
Marianne Williamson on The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton – 05/30/23
Marianne Williamson’s Economic Bill of Rights
Three Progressive Voices on the War in Ukraine
Marianne Williamson: Quote of the Day – June 27, 2023
Marianne Williamson on The Issue Is with Elex Michaelson – 07/20/23
Voters, Not the DNC, Should Choose the Nominee
Marianne Williamson in New Hampshire
Marianne Williamson: “Repairing Our Hearts Is Essential to Repairing Our Country”
Marianne Williamson on Trump’s Day in Court
Marianne Williamson on NewsNation – 08/25/23
Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson Joins NYC’s March to End Fossil Fuels
Marianne Williamson on Your World – 10/6/23
Marianne Williamson’s “Radical Idea” of Putting People First
Marianne Williamson: “We Need to Disrupt the Corrupt”
“We Are Surging”
“Let the People Decide”: Marianne Williamson on the DNC’s Efforts to Deny and Suppress the Democratic Process
Democratic Presidential Debate: Marianne Williamson and Dean Phillips – 1/8/24
The Democrats Challenging Biden
Bannering for Marianne
Campaigning for Marianne Williamson in New Hampshire – Day 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Marianne Williamson: “I Have Decided to Continue”
Marianne Williamson in Nevada – 2/4/24
Forever Grateful
What Marianne Williamson Learned from Running for President
Marianne Williamson: Playing It Big
Minnesotans Launch Super Tuesday Push for “Suspended But Not Ended” Candidate Marianne Williamson
A Welcome Return
This Super Tuesday, Don’t Be “Uncommitted” . . .
Super Tuesday in Minnesota
Marianne Williamson, the Cassandra of U.S. Politics, on the “True State of the Union”
Marianne Williamson in Arizona – 3/17/24
“This Is the Moment”
Marianne Williamson on Washington Journal (4/2/24) and The Letterhack (4/4/24)
For Marianne Williamson, One Season Passes and Another Begins
Cylvia Hayes: “Why I’m Voting for Marianne Williamson”
Marianne Williamson on NewsNation – 5/19/24
“What I Want to Remember Are the Moments of Love”
A New Beginning
Marianne Williamson on What Democrats Need to Do to Inspire Voters and Counter the “Hotbed of Grievances That Donald Trump is Offering”

See also:
Marianne Williamson: “We Must Challenge the Entire System”
Marianne Williamson on the Current Condition of the U.S.
Marianne Williamson’s Politics of Love: The Rich Roll Interview
Now Here’s a Voice I’d Like to Hear Regularly on the Sunday Morning Talk Shows
A Deeper Perspective on What’s Really Attacking American Democracy
Marianne Williamson on the Tenth Anniversary of Occupy Wall Street
Marianne Williamson on How Centrist Democrats Abuse Voters with False Promises
“Two of the Most Dedicated and Enlightened Heroes of Present Day America”
Deep Gratitude
“A Beautiful Message, So Full of Greatness”
Marianne Williamson: “Anything That Will Help People Thrive, I’m Interested In”
Caitlin Johnstone: “Status Quo Politicians Are Infinitely ‘Weirder’ Than Marianne Williamson”

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