Saturday, October 12, 2024

Adnan and the Winged Heart

I spent the afternoon with my friend Adnan, and took the above photo of him with the beautiful winged heart wall ornament that my friend Kate gifted me with when we visited northern Wisconsin this past summer.

Following is what author Toby Johnson says about the winged heart, symbol for the mystical path of the Sufi.

The symbol of the Sufis is a winged heart. Sufism is not a way of the head but of the heart. The way to fly to God is to open the heart, to be human and to love and offer life in service to God and to others. The primary mystical teaching of Sufism is contained in the Sufi interpretation of the Islamic credo La Ilaha El Allah Hu. What most Muslims interpret as a declaration of monotheism, “There is no God but Allah,” the Sufis understand as a revelation of ultimate unity: “There is no reality but God.” To remind themselves of the implications of this, Sufis sometimes greet one another with Ya Azim: “How wonderfully God manifests to me through you.”

See also the related Wild Reed posts:
The Sufi Way
Sufism: A Call to Awaken
I Surrender to You
Sufism: Way of Love, Tradition of Enlightenment, and Antidote to Fanaticism
Doris Lessing on the Sufi Way
In the Garden of Spirituality – Doris Lessing
A Living Twenty-First Century Tradition
It Happens All the Time in Heaven
Oh, Yeah!
Clarity, Hope and Courage
“Joined at the Heart”: Robert Thompson on Christianity and Sufism
In the Garden of Spirituality – Toby Johnson
Love as Exploring Vulnerability
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – October 8, 2024
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – September 21, 2024
Summer’s End
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – June 27, 2024
Undeniably Real
Like a Lotus Flower
In the Stillness and Silence of This Present Moment
I Need Do Nothing . . . I Am Open to the Living Light
Blue Yonder
What We Crave
November Musings
Adnan Amidst Mississippi Reflections and Forest Green
The Landscape Is a Mirror
Adnan With Sunset Reflections and Jet Trail
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – April 16, 2019
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – March 29, 2019

Images: Saaxiib Qurux Badan (“Beautiful Friend”) and the Winged Heart, Minneapolis, MN – Michael J. Bayly (10/12/24).

Miles Kampf-Lassin on the “Flashing Red Warning Signs” for the Harris Campaign

In the October 10 issue of In These Times, Miles Kampf-Lassin has a piece titled “The Warning Signs for Kamala Harris’s Campaign Are Flashing Red.”

When this article was reprinted on the Common Dreams platform, it was re-titled “Kamala Harris Must Correct Course Before She Blows This Election” . . . something many of us have been saying for some time now.

Following is an excerpt from Kampf-Lassin’s article.


Trump is a uniquely flawed candidate and his dismal record in office is easy to excoriate, as Harris demonstrated during the September debate. His presidency showered the rich with tax cuts, squeezed working people, offshored jobs, terrorized immigrant communities and failed to respond to a pandemic that led to mass preventable death and turned the economy upside down. The Supreme Court justices he appointed have curtailed reproductive rights and targeted the entire regulatory apparatus. And the far Right’s Project 2025 playbook promises to roll back decades of progressive reforms, from voting access to LGBTQ rights.

What’s more, Trump has promised a regime of vengeance that would directly target journalists, organizers and anyone considered a political enemy.

Still, Harris has not yet rebuilt the fragile coalition that pushed Biden over the finish line four years ago. Compared with Biden in 2020, polls show Harris underperforming with voters of color, younger voters and seniors – all key for Democrats. And when it comes to lower-income voters and those with less formal education, Harris is being outrun.

A second Trump term would mean economic mayhem for the working class and a disaster for the labor movement. Yet, according to CNN political analyst Harry Enten, “Trump has more working-class support than any GOP presidential candidate in a generation,” while Harris is poised to have the worst Democratic performance among union voters in decades.

Among Arab American voters, support for Harris has cratered as the U.S.-backed genocide in Gaza continues, with Israel expanding its assault into Lebanon. A mid-September poll from the Arab American Institute (AAI) shows that, among likely Arab American voters, Trump leads Harris 46% to 42%, a far cry from 2020, when Biden won nearly 60% support. Many of these voters say the war on Gaza is a top priority – and they could be won over with a change in policy.

In Michigan, home to a significant Arab American population including Palestinian and Lebanese families, internal polling shows Harris is “underwater,” according to Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.). Based on publicly released polls, the state is a toss-up at best. The Uncommitted National Movement, which drew more than 100,000 voters in the Michigan Democratic primary, has refused to endorse Harris due to her continued support of “unconditional weapons” for Israel’s campaign of annihilation. (Hillary Clinton lost Michigan by around 10,000 votes in 2016; Biden won it by 150,000.)

These underlying dynamics should ring alarm bells for a Democratic campaign entering the final stretch of a cardinal race with potentially catastrophic consequences. If Democrats take the authoritarian threat posed by Trump as seriously as they profess, they need to change course in order to cobble together a cross-section of voters who can vault Harris into the Oval Office.

That change should start with promising a shift away from unflinching sponsorship of Israel’s military offensives. Seven in 10 likely voters want to see a ceasefire in Gaza, which will require forcing the hand of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, including by conditioning arms in line with international and U.S. law. Polling from AAI suggests that backing these restrictions would make 56% of Arab American voters more likely to support Harris.

. . . [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu has proven time and again he is unwilling to reach peace; Harris can promise to use U.S. leverage to make him. This move, backed by a majority of Americans, would help make inroads among a vast stratum of voters — including those in Michigan, Wisconsin and other swing states – eager to support the Democratic nominee if the party would simply stop underwriting a genocide. It’s also the morally correct position – tens of thousands of Palestinian women and children have already been slaughtered by American weapons, and the Netanyahu government appears dead set on not just continuing but expanding its onslaught.

On the economy, Harris could depart from her recent approach of cozying-up with crypto financiers and wealthy business interests by instead leaning into the populist, class-war rhetoric and policy planks Democratic voters have responded to in the post-Obama era. Harris has embraced good policies like reviving the expanded child tax credit, building millions of new housing units, continuing to invest in green manufacturing and going after price-gouging companies. But with a majority of the population living paycheck to paycheck, working-class Americans are in desperate need of a bold redistributive agenda that would materially improve their lives right now. Targeting the elites and billionaires is an effective strategy to win over lower income voters, and while Harris has adopted appeals in this direction to acknowledge economic grievances, there’s more runway left to address them.

Harris can take a big swing by doing more to champion the pro-working class policies her party nominally supports—in speeches, ads and voter appeals. Harris could make central in her campaign the extremely popular positions already in the 2024 Democratic Party platform – such as a federal $15 minimum wage; extending Medicare to cover hearing, dental and vision; capping out-of-pocket drug costs while forcing the pharmaceutical industry to lower prices; expanding Social Security; limiting rent increases by corporate landlords; and passing the PRO Act to massively grow union membership.

. . . These progressive realignments by Harris would also help vitalize the get-out-the-vote operations that were pivotal to Biden’s victory four years ago when young voters helped clinch swing states by coming out in droves. This year, youth voter registration is lagging behind 2020, and top Democratic groups are privately fretting that the lack of meaningful outreach to young people of color could cost them the election. In focus groups, younger voters cite concerns about the economy as well as the assault on Gaza as motivating factors in their decision. Compelling them to not just vote but also knock doors, travel to swing states and make calls should be a top priority.

To read Miles Kampf-Lassin’s article in its entirety, click here.


To close, here’s a related segment from Sabrina Salvati’s October 2 Sabby Sabs podcast. In this segment Salvati examines how Kamala Harris has already lost the Muslim and Arab-American vote and is losing working class voters as well as other demographics.

In the course of this examination, Salvati highlights the panic of the Democratic establishment and its media lackeys to the Green Party presidential candidacy of Jill Stein and her rising support with Muslim voters in key swing states, including Michigan (left).

The Democratic Party has lost the working class because the Democratic Party decided to win over Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, the Ivy League-educated crowd. That’s what they wanted, that’s what they got. How do you let the Republican Party bet you with the working class? This is how sad the Democratic Party has fallen. That’s not Jill Stein’s fault. That’s the Democratic Party’s fault. Rather [than Stein] it’s NAFTA, it’s crushing the railway workers’ strike. Remember, the Teamsters didn’t support either [corporate-backed] party this year.

Sabrina Salvati
October 2, 2024

Related Off-site Links:
Donald Trump and Kamala Harris Locked in Close Election Race: WSJ Poll Al Jazeera (October 11, 2024)>
Can Kamala Harris Beat Donald Trump? Latest Poll Updates – Alicja Hagopian (Independent, October 11, 2024)>
Is Kamala Harris Crumbling in the Polls? Digging Into the Data – Martha McHardy (Newsweek, October 11, 2024)>
Trump Passes Kamala in Michigan – Sabrina Salvati (Sabby Sabs, October 11, 2024)>
Kshama Sawant Triggers Epic Liberal Meltdown with Viral Jill Stein Stump Speech
– Keaton Weiss and Russell Dobular (Due Dissidence, October 9, 2024)>
Kamala’s Word Salad 60 Minutes InterviewBreaking Points (October 8, 2024).
Ta-Nehisi Coates Delivers a Dire Warning to Kamala Harris – Kyle Kulinski (Secular Talk, October 8, 2024).
An Interview with Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill SteinBreaking Points (October 3, 2024). “Voting for Democrats is Wasting Your Vote”: An Interview with Green Party Vice Presidential Candidate Butch Ware – Briahna Joy Gray (Bad Faith, October 3, 2024).
Kamala vs. the Black Left: An Interview with Dr. Charisse Burden-Stelly – Briahna Joy Gray (Bad Faith, September 30, 2024).
War Parties, the Peace Candidate, and the November Election – Jeffrey D. Sachs (Other News, April 23, 2024).

See also the previous Wild Reed posts: Peter Bloom on the Unmasking of the “Democratic Charade”
The Lone Anti-Genocide Presidential Candidate Reflects on the First Anniversary of Israel’s Genocide in Gaza
Progressive Perspectives on the Harris–Trump Presidential Debate
Yousef Munayyer: Quote of the Day – August 30, 2024
Breaking Down Kamala Harris’ DNC Speech on Gaza
Progressive Perspectives on the Presidential Nomination of Kamala Harris
Progressive Perspectives On an American Coronation

Friday, October 11, 2024

Photo of the Day

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Autumn Branches
Autumn: Season of Transformation and Surrender
Time to Go Inwards
Autumn Sky
Photo of the Day – October 4, 2021
Autumnal Thoughts and Visions (2022)
Autumn . . . Within and Beyond (2021)
Autumn . . . Within and Beyond (2018)
Autumn . . . Within and Beyond (2016)
O Sacred Season of Autumn
“Thou Hast Thy Music Too”
Autumn Psalm
“This Autumn Land Is Dreaming”
Autumn’s “Wordless Message”
Autumnal (and Rather Pagan) Thoughts on the Making of “All Things New”
Brigit Anna McNeill on Hearing the Wild and Natural Call to Go Inwards

Image: Michael J. Bayly.

“People Are Sick of the Bullshit”

This past Wednesday, October 9, Hard Lens Media, a podcast hosted by Kit Cabello, highlighted and analyzed footage of The Grayzone’s Liam Cosgrove confronting U.S. State Department spin doctor Matthew Miller about the Biden administration’s ongoing enabling of the Israeli government’s “genocidal project” in Gaza and beyond.

“This administration has financed a genocide in Gaza for the last year and every day you’re up there denying it,” Cosgrove told Miller before declaring, “People are sick of the bullshit in here, it is a genocide.”

In examining Cosgrove’s confrontation with Miller, Cabello highlights Peter Beinart’s recent appearance on Joy Reid’s MSNBC show The Reidout. Beinart is a political analyst and the author of the forthcoming book Being Jewish After the Destruction of Gaza: A Reckoning. In this segment, Beinart strongly critiques the role of mainstream corporate media and its various personalities in covering the Israeli government’s response to the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel. And he makes these strong critiques on corporate media and to one of its personalities! It’s quite something. . . . As is Cabello’s segment in general, although I realize his style of presentation may not be everyone’s cup of tea.

What Hamas did on October 7 was evil in that it targeted civilians in a really horrifying way. But if you want to fight against that violence, you can’t do it effectively unless you understand that it’s within a larger structure of the violence of oppression. . . . [I]f you believe that all human life is precious, you have to believe that Palestinian life is precious too. Even strategically, if you don’t understand the context in which the October 7 attack happened, if you can’t distinguish between understanding and justifying, which are completely different things, you’re not going to have an effective strategy. And that’s [also] what happened after 9/11. We didn’t have a good strategy for dealing with Iraq and Afghanistan because we didn’t do the right analysis about why in fact those attacks happened.

. . . Good for Kamala Harris for [recently] showing genuine empathy and talking about Palestinians as human beings. But people are not going to take you seriously in that rhetoric if you keep unconditionally providing weapons – the same weapons that are killing people in Gaza and killing people in Lebanon. If these words are going to mean anything, they have to be followed by actions.

Peter Beinart

Related Off-site Links:
Journalist Calls Out U.S. Spokesperson During Press BriefingArab News (October 9, 2024).
“It’s Genocide and You’re Abetting It” – Journalist Finally Tells U.S. Government Spokesperson What We’re All ThinkingSkwawk Box (October 9, 2024).
The Mainstream Media Has Failed Us After 7 October – Peter Beinart (The Guardian, October 7, 2024).

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Jeff Cohen: Quote of the Day – February 28, 2022
John Atcheson: Quote of the Day – October 19, 2019
Bernie Sanders and the Corporate Media
What Marianne Williamson Learned from Running for President
The Exception to the Rulers
Now Here’s a Voice I’d Like to Hear Regularly on the Sunday Morning Talk Shows
Reacting to the Effects, Not the Cause, of What Ails Us

Thursday, October 10, 2024

“As the Tempests of Hurricane Rage and Foam”


Related Off-site Links:
Fossil-Fueled Hurricane Milton Hammers Florida With Violent Winds, Massive Flooding – Jake Johnson (Common Dreams, October 10, 2024).
3.5 Million Left Without Power After Florida Hit by Second Climate-Fueled Deadly Hurricane in WeeksDemocracy Now! (October 10, 2024).
Trump and Republican Party Push Misinformation on Hurricanes as Climate Crisis Intensifies Across GlobeDemocracy Now! (October 10, 2024).
Milton Makes Landfall as a Category 3 Hurricane Along Florida’s West Coast – Bill Chappell, Ayana Archie and Alana Wise (NPR News, October 9, 2024).
Hurricane Milton’s Severity Is Fueled by Climate Change, Experts Say – Matthew Rozsa (Salon, October 8, 2024).

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
You, O Comforter, Are Ever Near
Prayer of the Week – October 30, 2012
Marianne Williamson: Quote of the Day – August 29, 2017
Something to Think About – October 8, 2024
Peter Kalmus on Fossil-fueled Climate Change and Hurricane Helene
Superstorm Sandy: A “Wake-Up Call” on Climate Change
Discerning and Embodying Sacred Presence in Times of Violence and Strife
Thoughts on Prayer in a “Summer of Strife”
Prayer and the Experience of God in an Ever-Unfolding Universe
Questioning God’s Benevolence in the Face of Tragedy
Active Hope

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Something to Think About . . .

Related Off-site Links:
Hurricane Milton’s Severity Is Fueled by Climate Change, Experts Say – Matthew Rozsa (Salon, October 8, 2024).
Endless Stream of Climate Disasters Bolsters Demand to “Make Polluters Pay” – Brett Wilkins (Common Dreams, September 30, 2024).
Fossil Fuel Industry Propaganda Blamed as Record Heat Scorches Planet – Jessica Corbett (Common Dreams, August 8, 2024).
Why Science Backs a Fossil Fuel Phase Out – Timmon Wallace (Common Dreams, December 12, 2023).
“Cabal of Oil Producers”: Climate Scientist Kevin Anderson Slams Corporate Capture of COP28Democracy Now! (December 7, 2023).
Big Oil Wins Big at COP28 in Dubai – Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan (Democracy Now!, December 14, 2023).

UPDATE: “Big Oil’s Reckless Conduct” Caused Milton – and Now They Should Pay, Say Advocates – Julia Conley (Common Dreams, October 9, 2024).

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
Peter Kalmus on Fossil-fueled Climate Change and Hurricane Helene
Memes of the Times
COP28: “Mend It, Don’t End It”
Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson Joins NYC’s March to End Fossil Fuels
Bernie Sanders: Quote of the Day – July 7, 2023
“Smoke Plume” in Minneapolis
Capital Weather Gang: Quote of the Day – June 7, 2023
Frances Moore Lappé: Quote of the Day – May 22, 2023
“It Is in Our Hands”
George Monbiot: Quote of the Day – July 21, 2022
Declaration of Interdependence
Biophilia, the God Pan, and a Baboon Named Scott
Bernie Sanders: Quote of the Day – July 1, 2021
The Stakes Have Shifted
The Link Between Destruction of Biodiversity and Emerging Infectious Diseases
Something to Think About – February 10, 2020
In Australia, “the Land As We Know It Is No More”
Greta Thunberg: Quote of the Day – September 23, 2019
Five Powerful Responses to the Amazon Fires
Greta Thunberg: Quote of the Day – March 16, 2019
As the World Burns, Calls for a “Green New Deal”
Marianne Williamson: Quote of the Day – August 29, 2017
The People’s Climate Solidarity March – Minneapolis, 4/29/17
“It Is All Connected”
Standing Together
Standing in Prayer and Solidarity with the Water Protectors of Standing Rock
The Paris Climate Talks, Multilateralism, and a “New Approach to Climate Action”
Rachel Smolker: Quote of the Day – September 19, 2014
Superstorm Sandy: A “Wake-Up Call” on Climate Change
Chris Hedges: Quote of the Day – May 31, 2011

Saaxiib Qurux Badan

See also the related Wild Reed posts:
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – September 21, 2024
Summer’s End
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – June 27, 2024
Undeniably Real
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – March 1, 2024
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – February 21, 2024
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – February 7, 2024
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – December 3, 2023
October Afternoon
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – October 1, 2023
September Garden
Like a Lotus Flower
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – June 4, 2023
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – February 14, 2023
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – January 16, 2023
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – January 4, 2023
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – August 25, 2022
In the Stillness and Silence of This Present Moment
I Need Do Nothing . . . I Am Open to the Living Light
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – November 25, 2021
Blue Yonder
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – June 29, 2021
What We Crave
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – January 30, 2021
November Musings
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – November 18, 2020
The Landscape Is a Mirror
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – April 16, 2019
Saaxiib Qurux Badan – March 29, 2019

Image: Saaxiib Qurux Badan (“Beautiful Friend”), Minneapolis, MN – Michael J. Bayly (10/8/24).

Honoring the Passion of Sergius and Bacchus

To mark yesterday’s feast of Saints Sergius and Bacchus, I share today an excerpt from Kittredge Cherry’s informative piece entitled “Sergius and Bacchus: Paired Male Saints Loved Each Other in Ancient Roman Army.”

I also share the portrait of Sergius at right and the portrait of Bacchus below, both of which are by artist Nicolo’ Mazzucato.


Saints Sergius and Bacchus were third-century Roman soldiers, Christian martyrs and men who loved each other. . . . They are by far the best documented, most widely worshiped and most influential male paired saints in Christian history. They are some of the earliest Christian martyrs. The close bond between Sergius and Bacchus has been emphasized since the earliest accounts, and recent scholarship has revealed their homosexuality. The oldest record of their martyrdom describes them as erastai (Greek for “lovers”). Scholars believe that they may have been united in the rite of adelphopoiesis (brother-making), a kind of early Christian same-sex marriage. Their names were often included in these rites of same-sex union, along with other saintly male pairs. Some see them as patron saints of same-sex couples. But their devotion to each other has inspired people of every sexual orientation over the centuries.

From ancient times until today these “gay saints” have inspired some of the most beautiful art depicting the holiness of same-sex couples, sometimes in a homoerotic way. A classic example of paired saints, Sergius and Bacchus were high-ranking young officers in the Roman army. Sergius was primicerius (commander) and Bacchus was secundarius (subaltern officer). They were tortured to death around 303 in present-day Syria after they refused to attend sacrifices to Zeus, thus revealing their secret Christianity.

Yale history professor John Boswell names Sergius and Bacchus as one of the three primary pairs of same-sex lovers in the early church in his 1995 book Same Sex Unions in Pre-Modern Europe. (The others are Polyeuct and Nearchus and Felicity and Perpetua.) Paired military saints were popular in the Middle Ages [and] Sergius and Bacchus were the most famous and one of the earliest couples. . . . An appendix in the book includes Boswell’s translation of “The Passion of Sts. Serge and Bacchus” from the original Greek text dated 373-395. It was the first time that an ancient hagiography of Sergius and Bacchus was ever translated into English.

Today LGBTQ Christians in the west can get status from their religion but may hide their sexual orientation to avoid condemnation. However Sergius and Bacchus faced the opposite dilemma. In the Roman army homosexuality was accepted and perhaps even encouraged, but Christianity was taboo.

To read Kittredge Cherry's article in its entirety (and view a number or artistic depictions of Sergius and Baccchus), click here.

For more of Sergius and Bacchus at The Wild Reed, see:
Sergius and Bacchus: Martyrs, Saints, Lovers
Honoring (and Learning from) the Passion of Saints Sergius and Bacchus
Sergius and Bacchus: Martyred Lovers
Photo of the Day – October 7, 2013
On the Feast of Sts. Sergius and Bacchus, Thoughts on Marriage Equality in the U.S. and the Vatican’s Synod on the Family

Images: Nicolo’ Mazzucato

Monday, October 07, 2024

The Lone Anti-Genocide Presidential Candidate Reflects on the First Anniversary of Israel’s Genocide in Gaza

As a supporter of the presidential campaign of Jill Stein of the Green Party, I received the following message earlier today.


One Year of War and Genocide,
Generations of Oppression


Today, October 7th, 2024, marks one year since the Hamas attack on Israel that many consider to have sparked Israel’s US-backed genocidal campaign against Gaza that is now exploding into a regional war. But history did not begin on October 7th, 2023.

To understand the current situation, we must look back at least as far as 1948 to the Nakba, the brutal mass expulsion of indigenous Palestinians from their homes by Zionist paramilitaries and the newly formed state of Israel. While the world has been watching in horror for the past year as this genocidal rampage has cut short hundreds of thousands of innocent lives, that one year was preceded by generations of violence, occupation, displacement, dispossession, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing.

While we abhor violence, we must understand that settler colonialism, occupation, genocide, and all forms of oppression have always provoked resistance. If we merely condemned violence “on all sides” without first acknowledging the underlying conditions of oppression and doing everything we can to rectify those conditions, we would not only fail to address the root causes of the problem, but would risk becoming complicit in injustice by drawing a false equivalency between oppressor and oppressed. As Desmond Tutu observed, “if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”

One of history’s greatest nonviolent changemakers, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., identified the “great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom” as “the white moderate who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice” and “who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice.” For too long, the U.S. government has supported Israel’s version of “order” and “peace” that demands the systematic subjugation of Palestinians to violent injustice. But whenever people are denied their human rights, resistance is inevitable. Even President Kennedy recognized this with his statement that “those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

Dr. King also recognized the hypocrisy and uselessness of condemning the violence of the oppressed without first addressing the violence of oppression: “I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today – my own government.” The U.S. government is fully complicit in the violence that Israel has inflicted on the Palestinians and others, after supplying Israel with over one hundred fifty billion dollars in military aid and shielding Israel from accountability to the international community for its long history of defying international law. For Americans to condemn Palestinian resistance while our own government actively oppresses the Palestinian people would be neither just nor conducive to peace.

The events of October 7th, 2023 have been weaponized to justify the genocide of Palestinians. Yet it has become clear that official accounts of October 7th have not only been divorced from the historical context, but factually distorted to serve the agenda of the Zionist Israeli government. As one example, Australia’s ABC News reported in September that Israeli forces apparently applied the “Hannibal Directive” on October 7th, killing an untold number of their own citizens in attempts to prevent them from being taken hostage. The official discourse on hostages has also been extremely one-sided, rarely if ever mentioning that thousands of Palestinians are held prisoner by Israel without charge. From the “Hannibal Directive” killings to Netanyahu’s disregard for the families of Israeli hostages to Israel’s expansion of the war far beyond Gaza, it’s clear that the Israeli government has not acted out of concern for hostages, but has only used those concerns as justification to launch a preconceived agenda of conquest and genocide.

In just the last few weeks, the situation has gotten even worse. In a massive escalation of its genocidal war on Gaza, Israel has invaded Lebanon. Shortly thereafter, Iran launched a barrage of missiles at Tel Aviv in response to Israel’s attacks on Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, and Iran itself, raising fears of an ever-expanding war in the Middle East that could even spark World War III, nuclear war, or both.

If he wanted to, President Biden could stop this war with one phone call to the Israeli prime minister as Ronald Reagan did in 1982. Israel’s war machine is completely dependent on US taxpayer-supplied weapons, money, military and diplomatic support. But instead the Biden-Harris administration is complicit in Netanyahu’s plans to expand this horrific war. A recent Politico article titled “U.S. officials quietly backed Israel’s push against Hezbollah” revealed that top Biden advisors actually encouraged Israel to invade Lebanon – despite the Democrats’ claims that Kamala Harris is “working tirelessly for a ceasefire.”

We do not consent to be dragged into World War III by Netanyahu to support his genocidal land grab in Palestine, Lebanon, and beyond. By allowing Netanyahu to essentially dictate US foreign policy, Biden and Harris have abdicated the responsibility of their office.

As President, the first thing I will do is make the phone call to stop this madness at once and fix the crisis at its source – by ceasing all support to Israel until it ends its genocide in Gaza and agrees to negotiate a settlement for Palestine and the region consistent with international law and the rulings of the International Court of Justice. The U.S., as the primary backer of Netanyahu’s military campaigns, holds the power to end his assault on Gaza and bring him to account. This is not a matter of diplomacy but of the U.S. electorate exercising its responsibility by voting for leaders with the political will to act. As voters in the most powerful nation on Earth, we bear a unique obligation to hold our government and its allies accountable.

By holding Israel accountable, the U.S. can rejoin the international community, from which we have become increasingly isolated due to our government’s unconditional support for Israel’s defiance of international law. When the United Nations considered membership for Palestine this year, 143 nations voted in favor and only 9 against, including the U.S. and Israel. But the U.S. has consistently used its veto power to shield Israel from accountability, undermining any credibility our nation has to speak on issues of international law and human rights.

As a Jew who grew up just after the Holocaust, with relatives who fled pogroms and a grandfather named Israel, I take “never again” seriously. And that means never again for anyone. In just the last year, I have met thousands of people from all walks of life, including Muslims, Jews, Christians, Palestinians, Israelis, Arabs, and many others from many ethnic, religious and spiritual backgrounds. And I can say with certainty from my personal experience that peace and friendship are possible. We can put an end to war, genocide, and generations of oppression, and start a new path to a world of peace, justice, and human rights for all.

In solidarity and gratitude,

Jill Stein

Related Off-site Links:
October 7th: The Unspeakable Tragedy of It All – Marianne Williamson (Transform, October 7, 2024).
One Year After October 7, Jewish Peace Group Says: “We Cannot Only Mourn” – Jake Johnson (Common Dreams, October 7, 2024).
Israel-Palestine History Didn’t Begin – or End – on October 7, 2023 – James Zogby (Common Dreams, October 7, 2024).
Palestinian Poet Mosab Abu Toha: One Year After October 7, U.S. Is Still Arming Israel’s Slaughter in GazaDemocracy Now! (October 7, 2024).
“The Path Forward”: Palestinian and Israeli Activists Working Toward Peace Featured in New FilmDemocracy Now! (October 7, 2024).
How Israel Has Made Trauma a Weapon of War – Naomi Klein (The Guardian, October 5, 2024).
“Hell Is Breaking Loose in Lebanon”: Israel Rejects Ceasefire Proposal as U.N. Chief Calls for PeaceDemocracy Now! (September 26, 2024).
To Stop Israel’s Expanding War, Biden Must Heed a New Demand: Arms Embargo – Brian Garvey (Common Dreams, September 26, 2024).
Jill Stein Sees “No Lesser Evil” Between Harris and Trump – Andrea Shalal (Reuters, October 7, 2024).
Abandon Harris Campaign Endorses Jill Stein and Butch Ware for 2024 Presidential Election – Julia Mueller (The Hill, October 7, 2024).
Abandon Harris Group Endorses Jill Stein, Rips Vice President for Overseeing “Genocide” – Ray Lewis (, October 7, 2024).
As Interview with Jill SteinBreaking Points (October 3, 2024).
War Parties, the Peace Candidate, and the November Election – Jeffrey D. Sachs (Other News, April 23, 2024).

UPDATE: Abandon Harris Movement Endorses Jill Stein . . . and Liberals Panic – Kit Cabello (Hard Lens Media, October 8, 2024).

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
“A Year of War Against Children”
Protesting Weapons Manufacturer and Genocide Enabler General Dynamics
“It’s a Systematic Slaughter That We’re Funding”
Voices of Reason and Compassion on the Crisis in Israel and Gaza
More Voices of Reason and Compassion on the Crisis in Israel and Gaza
“A Genocide Has Been Normalized”
“This Is a Genocidal Project”
“Americans Deserve Choices”: Jill Stein on Breaking Points – 4/30/24
Green Party Vice Presidential Candidate Butch Ware in Minneapolis
Butch Ware: Quote of the Day – September 12, 2024
Butch Ware: “I’m Not Here as a Spoiler”
Butch Ware: “You Can Actually Vote Your Conscience”
Demolishing the False Narrative About Jill Stein and the 2016 Election
Politics 101
Something to Think About – August 15, 2024
Voices on the Issues That Really Matter
The “Green Smoothie” Option

“A Year of War Against Children”

Unfathomably, it’s been a year since a horrific Hamas assault set off a more horrific Israeli genocide in which an insatiable, unraveling Zionist project has slaughtered, burned, starved, maimed and broken hundreds of thousands, mostly women and children, in the ungodly name of vengeance. A year of blood, terror, protests, rulings, another self-immolation, ceaseless dead babies, doctors, teachers, poets. Yet still, “The word ‘ceasefire’ is a wish, a dream.” And in Gaza, “Every day, we live in hell.”

The official death toll in Gaza is now almost 42,000; doctors who have volunteered there say the true toll is at least 118,908, or almost triple that. There are over 97,000 wounded, and most of Gaza’s two million people are homeless. Given the ongoing violence, the tens of thousands missing, the unprecedented humanitarian crisis – famine looming, illness spreading, meager food, water, medical care – those obscene numbers will likely continue to soar. Meanwhile, Israel’s unhinged genocidal campaign has failed to achieve its mythical “total victory” over Hamas while successively obliterating one red line of “civilized” warfare after another – bombing schools, hospitals, mosques, shelters, using starvation as a weapon, killing hundreds of civilians to rescue four captives, targeting journalists and doctors, and so heedlessly, relentlessly bombing residential areas that entire families, babies to grandparents, have been wiped out. Still, complicit Western allies, mostly us, send killing weapons and look away.

The result: “A year of war against children that has made Palestine the most precarious place in the world to be a child.” Duly sacrificed on the altar of Israeli impunity are over 16,700 children killed, including newborns; at least 30,000 wounded, some as young as two with multiple limbs amputated; and many thousands of already disabled children seeing their fragile worlds implode: “They destroyed what was inside us.” In an angry letter to Biden urging, “End this madness now!,” ninety-nine U.S. doctors who worked in Gaza describe healthy newborns dying of malnutrition, the “first time I held a baby’s brain in my hand – the first of many,” children regularly shot in the head or chest despite international rules deeming them innocents, and, in their dreams, the cries and screams of maimed children and grieving mothers “our consciences will not let us forget. . . . Their mutilated bodies are a monument to cruelty.”

. . . And now Lebanon, where Israel burrows ever deeper into another quagmire without end or strategy, another place of dust, screams, sirens, rubble, bodies in pieces, nowhere to go. “We are all the same,” writes Mohammed Mhawish of “a solidarity beyond words.”

“For the people of Lebanon,” continues Mhawish, “Gaza is not a distant cause; it is a mirror of their own suffering, a continuation of the story we’ve been living for decades. We know the bombs killing their children are the same ones killing ours.”

On the mournful one-year marker, that sense of oneness prompted tens of thousands worldwide to protest, and fight to end, the ongoing genocide. In the U.S., the focus was rightly on our persistent, unconscionable, American-taxpayer-funded arming of Israel despite its routinely revealed war crimes, and irregardless of Biden Administration claims it’s been “working tirelessly” on a ceasefire. Critics: “That is not a thing.” The brutal, bottom-line truth: Without U.S. arms, funds and diplomatic cover, “This genocide would not have been possible.”

Abby Zimet
Excerpted from “A Monument to Cruelty
Common Dreams
October 7, 2024

Related Off-site Links:
October 7th: The Unspeakable Tragedy of It All – Marianne Williamson (Transform, October 7, 2024).
One Year After October 7, Jewish Peace Group Says: “We Cannot Only Mourn” – Jake Johnson (Common Dreams, October 7, 2024).
Israel-Palestine History Didn’t Begin – or End – on October 7, 2023 – James Zogby (Common Dreams, October 7, 2024).
Palestinian Poet Mosab Abu Toha: One Year After October 7, U.S. Is Still Arming Israel’s Slaughter in GazaDemocracy Now! (October 7, 2024).
“The Path Forward”: Palestinian and Israeli Activists Working Toward Peace Featured in New FilmDemocracy Now! (October 7, 2024).
How Israel Has Made Trauma a Weapon of War – Naomi Klein (The Guardian, October 5, 2024).
“Hell Is Breaking Loose in Lebanon”: Israel Rejects Ceasefire Proposal as U.N. Chief Calls for PeaceDemocracy Now! (September 26, 2024).
To Stop Israel’s Expanding War, Biden Must Heed a New Demand: Arms Embargo – Brian Garvey (Common Dreams, September 26, 2024).
Netanyahu Has to Be Forced to Stop – Branko Marcetic (Jacobin, September 26, 2024).
Israeli Strikes Displace 140,000 Kids in Lebanon as Netanyahu Vows to Keep Bombing – Jake Johnson (Common Dreams, September 27, 2024).
Report from Beirut: Israel Is “Targeting Everyone” in Bombing Campaign, Killing 700+ in Just DaysDemocracy Now! (September 27, 2024).
“Unfathomable”: Lancet Study Estimates Gaza Death Toll May Exceed 186,000 – Julia Conley (Common Dreams, July 8, 2024).
Drafter of Leahy Law Says It Was Never Applied to Israel – Connor Echols (Responsible Statecraft, May 7, 2024).
How U.S. Violates Its Own Leahy Law to Ensure Military Support for Israel – Ali Harb (Al Jazeera, May 2, 2024).
“Genocidal Actions” Persist in Gaza as Israel Blocks Aid and U.S. Weapons Flow – Julia Conley (Common Dreams, April 12, 2024).
Journalist Abby Martin Explains Why She Considers Israel’s Actions in Gaza to Constitute GenocideMiddle East Eye (April 3, 2024).
“A War Machine Out of Control”: Israel Keeps Attacking Aid Workers as Gaza Faces FamineDemocracy Now! (April 3, 2024).
How Do Leahy Laws Apply to U.S. Support for Israel? – An Interview with Charles Blaha, Former Director of the State Department’s Office of Security and Human Rights – Leila Fadel (NPR News, March 26, 2024).
Draft U.N, Report Finds Israel Has Met Threshold for Genocide – Brett Wilkins (Common Dreams, March 25, 2024).

See also the following chronologically-ordered Wild Reed posts:
“Nothing About Today is ‘Unprovoked’”
Phyllis Bennis: “If We Are Serious About Ending This Spiraling Violence, We Need to Look at Root Causes”
In the Midst of the “Great Unraveling,” a Visit to the Prayer Tree
Eric Levitz: Quote of the Day – October 11, 2023
Something to Think About – October 12, 2023
Prayer of the Week – October 16, 2023
Voices of Reason and Compassion on the Crisis in Israel and Gaza
More Voices of Reason and Compassion on the Crisis in Israel and Gaza
Ta-Nehisi Coates: Quote of the Day – November 2, 2023
Jehad Abusalim: Quote of the Day – December 8, 2023
Christmas 2023 – Reflections, Activism, Art, and Celebrations
Sabrina Salvati: Quote of the Day – January 2, 2024
Michael Fakhri: Quote of the Day – February 27, 2024
Phyllis Bennis: Quote of the Day – March 28, 2024
Josh Paul: Quote of the Day – March 28, 2024
“A Genocide Has Been Normalized”
“This Is a Genocidal Project”
Outrage and Despair
Naomi Klein’s Powerful Words on Israel’s and the West’s Ongoing Gaza Genocide
Judith Butler on the Ongoing Student Protests Against the Gaza Genocide
Kyle Kulinski: Quote of the Day – May 23, 2024
Something to Think About – June 28, 2024
Nina Turner: Quote of the Day – July 24, 2024
Phyllis Bennis: “We Can Never Give Up Hope”
John Cusack: Quote of the Day – July 26, 2024
Progressive Perspectives on the Presidential Nomination of Kamala Harris
Breaking Down Kamala Harris’s DNC Speech on Gaza
Yousef Munayyer: Quote of the Day – August 30, 2024
“It’s a Systematic Slaughter That We’re Funding”
Protesting Weapons Manufacturer and Genocide Enabler General Dynamics
Something to Think About – September 26, 2024

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
“The Mistreatment and Discrimination Against Palestinians Is Not Unprecedented. It’s Baked Into the Foundation of the Political System in Israel”
Progressive Perspectives on the Ongoing Israeli-Palestinian “Nightmare” (2021)
Something to Think About – July 29, 2018
Noura Erakat: Quote of the Day – May 15, 2018
For Some Jews, Israel’s Treatment of Palestinians is Yet Another Jewish Tragedy
Remembering the Six-Day War and Its Ongoing Aftermath
David Norris: Quote of the Day – August 12, 2014

Image: Gazans view the bodies of child victims of an Israeli air strike. (Photo: Eyad Baba / AFP via Getty Images).

Friday, October 04, 2024

Opening to Love

On this feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, I share the following excerpt from a reflection written by Richard Rohr.

If our only goal is to love, there is no such thing as failure. Francis of Assisi succeeded in living in a single-hearted way, in which his only goal was to love. This intense eagerness to love made his whole life an astonishing victory for the human and divine spirit and showed how they work so beautifully together.

That eagerness to love is the core and foundation of Francis’ spiritual genius. He encountered a love that just kept opening to him, and then he passed on the same by “opening and opening” to the increasingly larger world around him. He willingly fell into the “bright abyss,” as poet Christian Wiman calls it, where all weighing and counting are unnecessary and even burdensome.

After his conversion, Francis lived the rest of his life in an entirely different economy – the nonsensical economy of grace, where two plus two equals a hundred and deficits are somehow an advantage. Such transformation of the soul, both in the inflowing and in the outflowing, is the experiential heart of the gospel for Francis. He then brought the mystery of the cross to its universal application, for he learned that both the receiving of love and the letting go of it for others are always a very real dying to our present state. Whenever we choose to love we will – and must – die to who we were before we loved. So, we often hold back. Our former self is taken from us by the object of our love. We only realize this is what’s happened after the letting go, or we would probably always be afraid to love.

. . . In the Franciscan reading of the gospel, there’s no reason to be religious or to love God except in recognizing “The love of [God] who loved us greatly is greatly to be loved,” as Francis said. Religion is not about heroic willpower or winning or being right. This has been a counterfeit for holiness in much of Christian history. True growth in holiness is a growth in willingness to be loved and to love.

– Richard Rohr
Excerpted from “Opening to Love
Center for Action and Contemplation
September 29, 2024

Related Off-site Link:
Francis of Assisi: Queer Side Revealed for Saint Who Loved Creation, Peace and the Poor – Kittredge Cherry (Q Spirit, October 6, 2024).

See also the previous Wild Reed posts:
St. Francis of Assisi: Dancer, Rebel, Archetype
Francis of Assisi: God’s Gift to the Church
No Mere Abstraction
St. Francis of Assisi and Human Sexuality
Francis and Elias
Francis of Assisi: The Antithesis of Clericalism and Monarchism
Francis and the Wolf
Solar Brother
St. Francis of Assisi: A Gay Man’s Man

Image: Detail of a mural by Dimitri Kadiev. Writes Richard Rohr: “This mural art on the outside of the Center for Action and Contemplation represents Francis’ love and acceptance of life in its varied and diverse manifestations.”