Israel, going back decades, has played a duplicitous game. It signs a deal with the Palestinians that is to be implemented in phases. The first phase gives Israel what it wants – in this case the release of the Israeli hostages in Gaza – but Israel habitually fails to implement subsequent phases that would lead to a just and equitable peace. It eventually provokes the Palestinians with indiscriminate armed assaults to retaliate, defines a Palestinian response as a provocation and abrogates the ceasefire deal to reignite the slaughter.
If this latest three-phase ceasefire deal is ratified – and there is no certainty that it will be by Israel – it will, I expect, be little more than a presidential inauguration bombing pause. Israel has no intention of halting its merry-go-round of death.
The Israeli cabinet has delayed a vote on the ceasefire proposal while it continues to pound Gaza. At least 81 Palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours.
The morning after a ceasefire agreement was announced, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Hamas of reneging on part of the deal “in an effort to extort last minute concessions.” He warned that his cabinet will not meet “until the mediators notify Israel that Hamas has accepted all elements of the agreement.”
Hamas dismissed Netanyahu’s claims and repeated their commitment to the ceasefire as agreed with the mediators.
. . . The deep fissures between Israel and Hamas, even if the Israelis finally accept the agreement, threaten to implode it. Hamas is seeking a permanent ceasefire. But Israeli policy is unequivocal about its “right” to re-engage militarily. There is no consensus about who will govern Gaza. Israel has made it clear the continuance of Hamas in power is unacceptable. There is no mention of the status of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the U.N. agency that Israel has outlawed and that provides the bulk of the humanitarian aid given to the Palestinians, 95 percent of whom have been displaced. There is no agreement on the reconstruction of Gaza, which lies in rubble. And, of course, there is no route in the agreement to an independent and sovereign Palestinian state.
– Chris Hedges Excerpted from “The Ceasefire Charade” The Chris Hedges Report
January 16, 2025
Above: A view of the devastated northern Gaza Strip from the Israeli side of the border – January 13, 2025. (Photo by Menahem Kahana / AFP via Getty Images)
Opening image: A father cries while carrying the body of his child wrapped in a blood-stained shroud west of Deir al-Balah, central Gaza Strip, on January 14, 2025. (Photo: Youssef Alzanoun/Middle East Images via AFP via Getty Images)
Wow, finally! . . . Progressive Democrat Marianne Williamson, who has twice ran for president and is currently running for DNC Chair, was recently invited onto MSNBC, the corporate media mouthpiece for the Democratic Party’s corporatist establishment.
Marianne was a guest on The Weekend, one of the network’s Sunday morning talk shows, where she was interviewed by hosts Symone Sanders-Townsend and Michael Steele. Hers is a voice I’ve longed to hear on a regular basis on the Sunday morning talk show circuit. Why? Because her authentically progressive perspective needs to be heard in this time of the collapse of the neoliberal Democratic Party and the rise of the increasingly authoritarian Rupublican Party.
Following are some online comments in response to Marianne’s appearance on MSNBC yesterday.
• Wow! I can’t believe MSNBC is actually having someone outside of the corporate establishment on air.
• Marianne Williamson won 3% of the votes in the 2024 Democratic Presidential Primary – with virtually zero corporate mainstream media attention from MSNBC or other networks. That’s actually why I clicked this video – I was shocked and excited to see Williamson on MSNBC at all. It was hard to watch though. Clearly the Democrats currently in charge are out of touch with voters to lose to a convicted felon. Instead of being humbled and open to much needed new ideas, many in the party have gone out of their way to disrespect Marianne, who is now a legit DNC candidate.
• Marianne in the DNC would be the heart transplant the party needs.
• She’s brilliant. I’m so angry Democrats have sidelined her.
• Why the long face, Symone? Ah, your precious status quo is all you care about. I almost forgot. God forbid anyone try and shake up the establishment; can't have that. Yep, 2028 should be interesting.
• She hit ’em with dem truth bombs and pissed ’em off! Their allegiance is to the establishment and the status quo! I’d love to see Marianne take the chair!
• You can always tell when someone is stating truth and saying the right things. The two hosts couldn’t clobber Marianne quick enough and were talking over each other to do so. That’s a “Bingo!” reaction. She hit a nerve. It was embarrassing to watch them react to her like that, frankly.
• Watch the Girl Boss style being modeled by Symone Sanders-Townsend. I’m done with it! It’s women trying to behave like men to prove how tough they are. That’s over with Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz! We need a woman leader who brings a whole new collaborative approach. We want a more transparent, HONEST, people-powered party. Many of us have told the Democratic Party what we want, and they refuse to listen to us. Let’s be brave enough and forward thinking enough to try something new! Marianne Williamson is a breath of fresh air and she has the intellectual, political and, yes, spiritual gravitas to take on a job of such magnitude. Let’s hope the Democrats are smart enough to get out of her way and let her lead.
• I love [Symone and Michael] but they are trying so hard to make Marianne look bad or unqualified, but she knows what she’s talking about. I’m annoyed by how they are treating her. She is literally telling you what the DNC needs to do to win back voters and you two aren’t listening or understanding it.
• Marianne Williamson will make the best DNC chair and will bring a moral center to the Democratic Party.
• Yes to much better storytelling, but what matters more is trusting the storyteller. I trust Marianne Williamson.
• I hope Marianne, Bernie, and Elizabeth Warren can team up to combat the horrible years that will soon arrive.
• If the DNC members vote for Marianne, there is a chance for a new transformed DNC. If they stick with the same old boring losers – literal losers – the Dem party will cease to exist in a few years. Marianne is relentless and is the only hope for the Democrats right now.
• Please put this woman in charge of the DNC. We need her brilliance, relational skills, ethics, vision, and leadership. We need a big change as the current leaders are too authoritarian and manipulative. I cannot believe the same people who obstructed Bernie are still calling the shots and yet are so off-course that they didn’t even have a primary this time. This woman has the energy, passion,and love of democracy and democratic values that the Democratic Party needs.
• Marianne nailed it, as always. The human element has not been a factor in our political processes, discussions and decision-making for so many decades, and I see why our politicians find the “emotional and psychological factors” elusive. There is only ONE reason why we do anything at all, and that is – to change the way we feel. This is human nature 101. Period. So, of course, the emotional and psychological factors are necessary, as Marianne says. While data is useful, no amount of data will move a human being to action unless and until he/she FEELS heard and seen. Unfortunately, Trump allegedly heard and saw the millions who gravitated into his sphere of influence. That’s what the Democrats were supposed to do.
Beloved One, who loves me unconditionally with all the wild love and affection of the universal heart, help me now.
I trust in my own heart wisdom and the truth of your love for me. Help me to trust in the flow of life, to let go of my fixed plans and ideas, and to open up to the genius of love itself.
May I realize that my destiny
will unfold with absolute perfection.
And may I trust in the signs
I am given.
May I be able to release any false guidance based in fear, and may I open up instead to genuine guidance and inner knowing based in love.
Images: Syrian-born dancer Ahmad Joudeh, whose autobiography is entitled Dance or Die. Ahmad dedicates his memoir “to the spirit that guides every single one of us, in the memory of the soul, where the flame is, our spirits glow.”
Recently Marianne was a guest on Breaking Points where she was interviewed by the podcast’s co-host Krystal Ball on her campaign for DNC chair and how she would transform the Democratic Party if she gained this important position.
I share the 20-minute Breaking Points interview below. It’s followed by a piece written by David and Dai of the Call Me Limbo substack.
If you’re new to Marianne’s bid for DNC Chair, the Breaking Points interview and David & Dai’s article are great places to get both informed and inspired.
Break the Mold
David & Dai
December 30, 2024
After every Democratic loss – or, let’s be honest, every disappointing “victory” – party leaders come out with the same tired routine. They gather their focus groups, draft their somber press releases, and deliver the usual platitudes: “We’ve lost our way.” “The voters feel disconnected.” “We need new ideas.” Cue the dramatic soundtrack and a montage of performative self-reflection.
But when the dust settles, and it’s time to make meaningful decisions to prove they’re serious about change – like selecting a new Democratic National Committee Chair – the Democratic Party rolls out the same old playbook with the usual cast of characters. As always, the names floated for the role speak volumes about where the Democratic Party’s true priorities lie. Ben Wikler, the Wisconsin Democratic Chair, who went above and beyond to ensure Marianne Williamson [and Rep. Dean Phillips] didn’t make it onto the ballot during the 2024 primary, proving that sometimes the DNC’s “gatekeeping” isn’t just a metaphor but a full-time job. Then there’s Ken Martin, chair of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, whose main innovation seems to be perfecting the art of saying “change” without ever meaning it. His tenure is less about ushering in a new era and more about keeping the establishment’s throne warm.
Former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, meanwhile, is the embodiment of “business as usual.” His moderate record offers all the excitement of lukewarm coffee – predictable, uninspiring, and precisely what the establishment loves to serve up when they’re fresh out of ideas. [Also running is] New York State Senator James Skoufis, who made headlines recently with his disparaging remarks about the Green Party, suggesting it was nothing more than a "spoiler" undermining Democrats. His comments encapsulate the DNC’s problem: rather than addressing why progressive voters are dissatisfied with the party, they blame outside groups for their own inability to inspire or deliver real change.
These candidates represent continuity, not transformation – the kind of “change” the Democratic Party keeps promising but never delivers.
Enter Marianne Williamson: an unapologetically bold, wildly misunderstood, and entirely different choice for DNC Chair. Despite relentless media mischaracterizations, Williamson is one of the most aligned and in-touch voices with the American electorate that the Democratic Party has seen in years. She’s not another poll-tested technocrat with a knack for managing decline. Her campaign for Democratic National Committee Chair isn’t just a shake-up; it’s a wake-up call for a party that seems to hit snooze after every loss.
The Mischaracterization of Marianne
Let’s address the elephant in the room – or rather, the crystal – since the media loves to reduce Williamson to caricatures faster than you can say “woo-woo.” Is she unconventional? Sure. But so was Bernie Sanders, and he sparked a grassroots revolution that dragged Democratic politics kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Williamson, in many ways, is a continuation of that movement but with an even sharper focus on healing the rot at the heart of the system – whether that’s economic inequality, a healthcare crisis, or, yes, a culture of political apathy.
Her proposals aren’t “pie-in-the-sky.” They’re long overdue, and frankly, they make more sense than another round of “how do we reach swing voters without actually doing anything bold?” strategy sessions.
The Leader Progressives Need, and the Establishment Fears
Let’s be honest: the Democratic establishment doesn’t fear a candidate like Marianne because they think she’ll fail. They fear her because she represents an agenda with the potential to succeed.
Marianne doesn’t fit the mold of what leadership is supposed to look like in their world. She’s not entrenched in party politics, not beholden to corporate donors, and doesn’t speak in poll-tested platitudes. She embodies the kind of ideological diversity that terrifies a donor-driven system – one that’s fine with cosmetic diversity (Black, LGBTQ+, women) but balks at anyone who dares to think differently.
The establishment wants leaders who will tweak around the edges, not question the system itself. Marianne’s willingness to rewrite their playbook is precisely why voters should rally behind her.
From Rage to Revolution: A Politics of Love
Let’s talk about MAGA for a second – not because it’s fun, but because it’s instructive. Trump’s rise wasn’t about policies (did he even have any?) – it was about the energy he channeled. MAGA thrives on the frustration of voters who feel ignored by the political class. Democrats have the same opportunity to tap into that energy, but instead of weaponizing division and fear, they could build a movement rooted in hope, solidarity, and real solutions.
This is where Marianne Williamson stands apart. She doesn’t just acknowledge voters’ anger – she offers a transformative pathway out of it. She has the bold ideas and messaging chops to inspire, and she understands that winning isn’t just about policies – it’s about creating a vision that people want to be part of.
Marianne is uniquely positioned to lead that movement. Her vision isn’t just policy-driven; it’s grounded in a politics of love that speaks to voters’ deepest aspirations. If Democrats are serious about reclaiming their soul and reigniting the electorate, they need a leader like Marianne who can match and exceed the phenomenon of MAGA – not by stoking division, but by inspiring the true power of a united America.
Bold Ideas for a Party Stuck in Neutral
Marianne Williamson is bringing a fresh, unapologetic energy to politics – one that feels less like a relic of the past and more like a blueprint for the future. Her ideas aren’t just bold; they’re the kind of transformative policies that a modern, connected, and globalized generation demands.
Here’s what a 21st-century Democratic Party platform looks like with Marianne leading the charge:
• A 21st-Century Economic Bill of Rights: Economic dignity, housing, and healthcare as rights, not privileges. It’s FDR’s vision, reimagined for a world where people are tired of being told to “work harder” while the system works against them.
• Comprehensive Healthcare Reform: While most politicians are still debating who will pay for it, Williamson is asking why Americans are so sick in the first place. Chronic illness? Poverty? Environmental toxins? She’s connecting the dots the establishment ignores.
• A Department of Peace: Let’s be honest: America spends more time funding wars than figuring out how to stop them. The Democrats need a rebrand, and advocating for peace, at home and abroad, instead of perpetual conflict, is a good place to start.
• A Department of Children and Youth: This isn’t complicated. Investing in kids today means building a stronger society tomorrow. Marianne’s vision moves America from playing catch-up to setting the standard for the best place to raise a child.
This isn’t politics as usual – it’s politics for the TikTok era, where voters are younger, more informed, and hungry for something real. Marianne’s 21st-century approach isn’t just a breath of fresh air; it’s a lifeline for a system desperately needing resuscitation and reinvention.
If 20th-century politics was about survival, Marianne’s vision for the 21st century is about thriving. It’s time the Democrats catch up.
Marianne’s Résumé Speaks Louder Than Her Critics
Critics love to claim that Marianne Williamson “lacks experience.” It’s the same tired talking point used whenever someone outside the establishment dares to challenge the status quo. So, let’s set the record straight and talk about what real experience looks like:
• Fundraising and Leadership: Marianne founded Project Angel Food, a non-profit that has delivered millions of meals to critically ill people. This wasn’t just a feel-good initiative – it required vision, strategic leadership, and operational excellence to sustain such a large-scale impact. Similarly, she co-founded the Center for Living, which provided support for people dealing with life-threatening illnesses. These aren’t just résumé bullet points; they’re proof of her ability to lead, mobilize resources, and deliver results.
• Connecting with Voters: While establishment figures cozy up to big donors or retreat to gated communities, Marianne is out in the field. She’s spent years listening to voters, engaging with communities, and actually hearing what people need. This connection to everyday Americans gives her an understanding of the electorate that is leagues ahead of most career politicians.
• Messaging: Marianne doesn’t just talk – she inspires. With over three decades as a thought leader, peace activist, sought-after speaker, and New York Times bestselling author (A Return to Love is just the tip of the iceberg), she’s been shaping conversations long before most politicians learned to speak in soundbites. Her appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show and her speeches across the country ignite hope and passion – two things sorely missing from today’s political discourse.
These aren’t just accomplishments; they’re the qualities that make Marianne the ideal candidate for DNC Chair. Unlike career politicians who excel at bureaucracy but fail to inspire real change, Marianne has the vision, empathy, and ability to lead a movement. She understands how to build infrastructure, rally people around a cause, and create meaningful solutions – all critical to revitalizing the Democratic Party.
In contrast, what do we typically get from establishment darlings? A lot of cautious continuity, donor-pleasing policies, and strategic inertia. The Democratic Party doesn’t need another chairperson who’s excellent at hosting luncheons and navigating party politics. It needs someone who can galvanize voters, rebuild trust, and bring fresh energy to a party stuck on autopilot.
If the DNC wants to reclaim its soul and inspire the base, it doesn’t need another career politician. It needs a leader like Marianne Williamson – someone who’s proven she can lead with both heart and strategy and understands that real change comes from serving the people, not the establishment.
But sure, let’s pretend she’s unqualified because heaven forbid we stray from the riveting tradition of selecting status quo superstars.
We Need Leaders, Not Managers
Let’s face it: the Democratic Party’s obsession with “safe” technocrats has left voters uninspired. When your pitch is “We’re slightly better than the other guys,” it’s no wonder turnout keeps tanking. People are tired of cautious half-measures when the moment demands bold, transformative leadership.
Marianne Williamson challenges this narrative head-on. She’s not here to tinker at the edges or offer cosmetic fixes – she’s here to swing big because the stakes demand it. Marianne understands that true leadership isn’t about managing the system as it is; it’s about reimagining what it can be.
The Democratic Party doesn’t need another manager for the status quo. It requires a visionary willing to challenge the establishment, articulate a daring new vision, and galvanize an electorate hungry for real change. Marianne is that leader – the one who knows bunting hasn’t worked and isn’t afraid to swing for the fences.
Marianne’s Insider Perspective on the DNC
Marianne Williamson’s experience running for president in 2020 and 2024 offers her something no other candidate for DNC Chair can claim: a firsthand, behind-the-scenes look at how the Democratic National Committee operates — particularly when it comes to suppressing and ostracizing candidates who dare to challenge the status quo.
Much like Bernie Sanders, Marianne’s campaigns revealed the stark reality of a system designed to protect the establishment at all costs. The DNC’s grip on the primary process – through debates, fundraising policies, and media narratives – is wielded like a weapon, ensuring that outsider candidates who might disrupt donor-driven agendas or challenge entrenched power structures are sidelined.
Like Bernie, Marianne was not defeated by voters rejecting her ideas. She was defeated by the overwhelming power of a party apparatus that works overtime to rig the primaries in favor of establishment figures. From rules determining debate participation to the quiet but forceful influence of donor money, the DNC often acts less as a neutral arbiter and more as a gatekeeper, deciding who is “worthy” of representing the party.
This is why we keep ending up with lackluster Democratic candidates who fail to inspire voters or bring about meaningful change. The system isn’t broken – it’s working exactly as intended, for the establishment and their donors, not for the people.
Marianne’s experience gives her a unique insight into these dynamics. She’s seen firsthand how the DNC functions as both a political and fundraising machine, prioritizing the interests of the donor class over the voices of the electorate.Her run for DNC Chair isn’t just about leadership; it’s about bringing transparency and accountability to a party that has lost its way.
If we want to break the cycle of uninspired candidates and declining voter trust, we need a leader like Marianne, who understands the DNC’s flaws from the inside out and has the courage to challenge them.
A New Chapter for the Democratic Party Starts Now
Marianne Williamson’s candidacy isn’t just a challenge to the establishment – it’s a call to action for every progressive who claims to share her values. Do we want to keep tinkering at the edges while the world burns, or are we ready to embrace bold, transformative politics that can light a path out of this dark chapter of American history?
The stakes couldn’t be higher. This isn’t just about winning elections in 2026 or 2028. It’s about proving that politics can work for the people – and for the planet. Marianne represents a rare opportunity to turn the page and start writing the most significant chapter in American history. But let’s be clear: that opportunity will vanish if those who share her vision stay silent.
To the progressive members of Congress and the DNC’s voting members: standing on the sidelines is no longer an option. Playing nice with the establishment hasn’t gotten you anywhere. Just ask Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who lost her bid for a key committee position to establishment stalwart Gerry Connolly. Or Representatives Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman, whose progressive reelection bids were drowned out by centrist challengers flush with establishment support. The message couldn’t be clearer: the establishment isn’t interested in making room at the table – they’re interested in maintaining power.
By standing up and speaking out in support of Marianne, progressives in power can do more than back a candidate – they can inspire others to do the same. Leadership isn’t about waiting for permission; it’s about showing others what’s possible. When one voice rises, others follow. That’s how movements are built.
The only thing standing in the way of real change is whether progressives dare to demand it. The truth is, the party establishment doesn’t want Marianne Williamson. But the Democratic brand desperately needs her. So to DNC voters: this is your moment. Now’s the time to decide which side of history you want to be on.
The legendary (and as of 2020 retired) singer Dame Shirley Bassey celebrates her 88th birthday today. Happy Birthday, Shirley!
To mark the occasion at The Wild Reed, I share the following video of Shirley performing her rousing version of the popular Beatles’ song “Hey Jude.” This particular performance took place at Cardiff Arms Park in 1993.
Dame Shirley Bassey has sung “Hey Jude” for many years at live concerts but it was not until 2014 that the song was recorded in the studio for the album Hello Like Before. Although the album was released on both CD and vinyl formats, “Hey Jude” is only on the CD. Dame Shirley’s definitive version of the song was sung in 1993 at Cardiff Arms Park where she performed it with the World Choir and where she can be seen enjoying singing the song immensely.
I release that which is not worthy of my Soul. . . . I do not decide this for myself from a place of distrust or judgment. I surrender my attachments and I trust in the sacred workings of my life to present to me what is needed.
I surrender, I surrender, in sacred trust, I surrender.
May my life be governed by love for the greatest good and in holy service to love now. So be it.
Michael Meade is a storyteller, author, and scholar of mythology, anthropology, and psychology. He’s also the founder of the Mosaic Multicultural Foundation, a non-profit network of artists, activists, and community builders that “encourages greater understanding between diverse peoples.” Meade regularly shares his wise and healing insights on his podcast, The Living Myth.
Meade’s Facebook page is called Mosaic Voices, and through this online resource he recently shared the following New Year message, one that I find to be both insightful and hopeful. Perhaps you will too. Happy New Year!
Although there can be no quick fix for all that troubles the world at this time, the aim of traditional New Year rites was to end the reign of the old year in order to begin everything anew. The idea was to follow the course of nature in which the world descends into darkness before the light and the energy of life begins to return.
The old idea was not simply the turning over of a calendar, but the understanding that a capacity for transformation and regeneration resides at the heart of nature, at the center of the cosmos and in the heart of humanity as well. The point was not to be naive and deny problems that must be faced, but to return to the origins of creation and symbolically participate in the capacity of life to renew itself.
For, small and insignificant as we may increasingly feel, we carry within our souls a spark that is connected to the galaxies and to the origins of creation. On one hand we are time bound, on the other we are secretly tied to eternal things that transcend the limits of time and place. By symbolically participating in the dissolution of time, ancient people were temporarily delivered from their faults and failings and had their original life potentials restored.
Although this primordial sense of rejuvenation and renewal does not remove suffering or injustice from the world, it becomes more important if we are to avoid overwhelm and navigate the chaotic and exhausting times in which we live.
We live amidst a shattering of paradigms that radically alter familiar patterns in both nature and culture. As the future of the Earth itself becomes increasingly uncertain, the search for genuine knowledge begins with accepting the sense that we truly do not know what the New Year might bring. To find the kinds of insight and wisdom we most need, we must accept the condition of “not knowing” that parallels the uncertainty and darkness that appear before creation occurs.
Inside all stuck situations there is a deep vulnerability that can lead to a release of unexpected imagination and inspired ideas. In Zen Buddhist traditions the practice of shoshin translates as “beginner’s mind.” Shoshin begins where received ideas and accepted patterns are left behind as an innate capacity to awaken from within begins with “not knowing.” The open and humble attitude of a beginner makes us less likely to simply repeat old patterns of behavior.
While those who claim to be able to solve the complex problems we face may claim dogmatic certainty, the openness of the beginner is more likely to find the true nature of a situation. A principle idea in shoshin is that in the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s mind there are few. Thus, beginner’s mind offers a particular kind of wisdom based upon a willingness to be at the edge where life remains open to many possibilities and unrealized potentials.
In keeping with the sense of many possibilities, the ancient term for beginner’s mind has more than one meaning. Shoshin can also mean something or someone that conveys “genuine truth.” Thus, it can refer to a work of art or a person that is genuine and not a fake or an imitation. When we draw from the root of our deeper self, we become more authentic and able to act in alignment with the inner spirit and the genuine aim of our souls.
As a practice, beginner’s mind can also involve the sense of forgiveness. For only when we forgive ourselves for mistakes and misdeeds can we let go of the ties that bind us and be released from the need to repeat the mistakes of the past. In that sense, not knowing, being open to change and forgiving ourselves and others turn out to be key ingredients in seeking to rejuvenate, start anew and be able to imagine and contribute to a better world.
Something ancient and knowing is trying to catch up to us and being fully present when a moment in time breaks open to unseen possibilities depends upon practices like beginner’s mind that help us be authentic and original and able to start anew. In being more open and forgiving we become more able to unlock untapped capacities for creativity, flexibility, and resilience.
In the open moments of life we become connected to the heart of nature again and can sense what the ancients meant in saying that all of life is sacred; and that can be a grace in the world and at the edge of every moment.
We at Mosaic wish for you and for all of us, that we might allow ourselves to be touched by the eternal, be blessed by the sacred and become more able to help with the healing of the Earth and each other.
I established The Wild Reed in 2006 as a sign of solidarity with all who are dedicated to living lives of integrity – though, in particular, with gay people seeking to be true to both the gift of their sexuality and their Catholic faith. The Wild Reed's original by-line read, “Thoughts and reflections from a progressive, gay, Catholic perspective.” As you can see, it reads differently now. This is because my journey has, in many ways, taken me beyond, or perhaps better still, deeper into the realities that the words “progressive,” “gay,” and “Catholic” seek to describe.
Even though reeds can symbolize frailty, they may also represent the strength found in flexibility. Popular wisdom says that the green reed which bends in the wind is stronger than the mighty oak which breaks in a storm. Tall green reeds are associated with water, fertility, abundance, wealth, and rebirth. The sound of a reed pipe is often considered the voice of a soul pining for God or a lost love.
On September 24, 2012,Michael BaylyofCatholics for Marriage Equality MNwas interviewed by Suzanne Linton of Our World Today about same-sex relationships and why Catholics can vote 'no' on the proposed Minnesota anti-marriage equality amendment.
"I believe your blog to be of utmost importance for all people regardless of their orientation. . . . Thank you for your blog and the care and dedication that you give in bringing the TRUTH to everyone."– William
"Michael, if there is ever a moment in your day or in your life when you feel low and despondent and wonder whether what you are doing is anything worthwhile, think of this: thanks to your writing on the internet, a young man miles away is now willing to embrace life completely and use his talents and passions unashamedly to celebrate God and his creation. Any success I face in the future and any lives I touch would have been made possible thanks to you and your honesty and wisdom."– AB
"Since I discovered your blog I have felt so much more encouraged and inspired knowing that I'm not the only gay guy in the Catholic Church trying to balance my Faith and my sexuality. Continue being a beacon of hope and a guide to the future within our Church!"– Phillip
"Your posts about Catholic issues are always informative and well researched, and I especially appreciate your photography and the personal posts about your own experience. I'm very glad I found your blog and that I've had the chance to get to know you."– Crystal
"Thank you for taking the time to create this fantastic blog. It is so inspiring!"– George
"I cannot claim to be an expert on Catholic blogs, but from what I've seen, The Wild Reed ranks among the very best."– Kevin
"Reading your blog leaves me with the consolation of knowing that the words Catholic, gay and progressive are not mutually exclusive.."– Patrick
"I grieve for the Roman institution’s betrayal of God’s invitation to change. I fear that somewhere in the midst of this denial is a great sin that rests on the shoulders of those who lead and those who passively follow. But knowing that there are voices, voices of the prophets out there gives me hope. Please keep up the good work."– Peter
"I ran across your blog the other day looking for something else. I stopped to look at it and then bookmarked it because you have written some excellent articles that I want to read. I find your writing to be insightful and interesting and I'm looking forward to reading more of it. Keep up the good work. We really, really need sane people with a voice these days."– Jane Gael
"Michael, your site is like water in the desert."– Jayden